2FA Two-Factor Authentication: Essential Part for Cybersecurity


2fa two factor authentications on cybersecurity

Digital enablement of businesses has become an impeccable need for organizations to manage business operations and effective communication with internal and external stakeholders. 

Even for the users, there is increasing dependency on cyber solutions for managing business operations.

Among the cyber ecosystem, one of the critical aspects for review is cybersecurity, and currently, the scope of two factor authentication (2fa) or multi factor authentication (mfa) models is gaining popularity. 

Authentication technically refers to the accessibility provided for the users to access the application systems or the hardware infrastructure or even a simple email account. 

Earlier to the multi factor authentication model, conventional practices are about using the single-factor authentication models wherein the users are required to provide their username and password to access the information system. 

However, with the increasing social engineering or phishing attacks, the need for a two-factor or multi factor authentication process appears rationale. 

One of the key challenges in the single-factor authentication practice is the vulnerability of others gaining access to the user credentials.

For instance, if the user-id and password of an email get stored accidentally over a public system, it is easy for other users to gain access to the email accounts. 

Similarly, if the user credentials of a banking account get into the hands of hackers, the challenges of such cybersecurity issues are complex.

Thus, the scope of multi factor authentication is used for avoiding cybersecurity challenges

Technically, two factor authentication, or the 2FA is about the usage of two layers of security patterns for accessing an application system or network or hardware infrastructure to which the set-up is deployed. 

In parlance to the general illustration, having a house or shop secured with multiple locks is safer than securing them with one lock.

Though the vulnerability of attacks always exists, the probability of such attacks reduces with the additional layer of security available in the form of 2FA or multi factor authentication

The system of 2FA is double layered user credentials, wherein one can depend on the two different patterns for gaining access to the account. 

In general, across the multi-factor or two factor authentication models, the first factor of authentication is the user-id and password or passcode available for the digital devices.

The second factor of the authentication is used as dynamic code or alternative additional security option used for affirming the authentication process. 

Generally, the 2FA is the dynamic passcode like the TOTP authenticator generated passcode (this passcode refreshes every 30 seconds or so) or the usage of the biometric, facial scanner, or OTP (one-time password) sent to the email or the associated mobile number as a message.

Learn more about What is TOTP authenticator.

More often, in the multi factor authentication models, the users are given some option to be chosen for the 2FA or multi factor authentication

While the multi factor authentication models are used in advanced scenarios of user login or into highly secured systems login process.

But in general, the popular approach is to rely on two factor authentication. Some of the key benefits of using the two factor authentication model are 

Increased Security for the User Accounts

The predominant benefit of using the two factor authentication model is to rely on the two distinct factors which are useful for securing the systems. 

Unless both factors are authenticated the users do not gain access to the designated application system.

It helps in ensuring that if there is any data loss like the passwords getting exposed to the public etc. the damage is limited. 

User Account Freeze

Among the advanced range of cybersecurity practices, the anomaly to user account detection practices is an effective solution.

And in the two factor authentication process, the user account freeze systems are a feasible outcome. 

When the users give an appropriate first-factor authentication, and the second-factor authentication like the biometric or facial or other means of recognition fails repeatedly for 3-4 attempts, the systems could temporarily block the user account. 

By adopting this approach, even if the accounts get into the wrong hands, the challenges are addressed, and the admins can reactivate the user accounts to post the necessary verification.

Thus, any kind of phishing attacks happening in such instances can be avoided, and data security is possible, in the 2FA or multi factor authentication process. 

Relief from Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are the major cybersecurity issue facing endpoint users.

The hackers replicate a false URL appearing like the actual one and seek the user credentials.

In the absence of two factor authentication, hackers can make use of such data to gain access to the actual transaction systems. 

However, with the two factor authentication system, even if the users enter the first-factor authentication like the password, when the system does not auto-generate the 2FA, it is a kind of signal to the users about the phishing probability. 

Ease of Retrieval to the Accounts

In some of the cloud applications having the integration of multi-authentication systems, even if the users forget the password, using the other authentication measures, the users can gain access to their user accounts. 

The key advantage of the multi factor authentication or the two factor authentication system is its strong security prospect combined with ease of application. 

While the user-level security of the applications is strengthened using the 2FA or multi factor authentication models, many users ignore the option and rely only on the single authentication set-up.

If organizations can encourage their users to mandatorily adopt the 2FA, it can help in addressing cybersecurity challenges to a certain extent. 

Globally, in many of the cloud-based applications, e-business solutions, and other digital platforms, the service providers are encouraging users to rely on the two factor authentication model to enhance the security of the user accounts. 

As in the case of using deploying the applications and monitoring using the Acronis cyber-protect, the two factor authentication or 2FA system as popularly known is a mandatory structure to support the accessibility of the cloud-based application. 

For more details on the implementation of 2FA or multi factor authentication, models reach out to our customer support team at Exabytes Malaysia for deployment models and the know-how across its platforms. 

Cyber Protection Solution

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