Going Green Starts When We Are Young


Green Schools Competition event group photo

Severe melting of the polar caps, tsunami, devastating floods, heat waves, droughts and many more disasters are occurring more often than before.

Have we, members of planet earth done enough to alleviate the pain suffered by it as well as the human race?

Humans’ modern lifestyles and development have brought about irreversible changes and vicious destructive circle of environmental damage to mother earth, and the only way to end the intense suffering of human race is to change our modern lifestyles and create sustainable moves to curb further destruction.

This year, Exabytes is thrilled to be one of the contributing members sponsoring to Green Schools Competition organized by JCI Tanjung Bungah Penang alongside Penang State Government and Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri.

This meaningful initiative which spans from March to August 2011 aims to instill a sense of concern and reverence for environment into the young minds as well as to effectively conduct, improve and sustain their green efforts.

At least 120 primary and secondary schools or half a million of students and teachers are participating in this program to create a better environment for our young generation to live, learn and grow up.

smart eco schools banner

Green Schools Competition eventAs parts of the program, students are learning to recycle soap using cooking oil, recycle mosquito repellent, ant repellent, garbage enzyme using some recyclable items.

Simple actions can indeed generate big earth-saving effects, which are important in creating sustainable efforts to combat alarming environmental issues!

certificate of csr for exabytes

Exabytes wishes to thank JCI Tanjung Bungah Penang, Penang State Government and Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri for initiating this meaningful and highly constructive movement. Indeed, going green should start when we are young!