5 Advantages of .COM.MY & .MY Domains You Need To Know


5 Advantages of .COM.MY & .MY Domains You Need To Know

Did you know that over 300,000 .COM.MY or .MY domains have been registered as of 2024?

View the total number of registered .COM.MY or .MY domains here.

Do you know how .COM.MY or .MY domains can help your business?

Read on to find out!

1. Good SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

good for seo

Do you want your WEBSITE or BLOG to appear on the very first few pages of Google search results?

One of the deciding factors of good SEO is having a localized domain name, which in this case, are .COM.MY/.MY domains. 

When someone search any “Malaysia” keyword, your website will appear on the first page of Google Search result and more chances for you to grab the leads from your competitor!

2. Short Domain Name

.my short domain names

Short domain names make it easier for people to remember your website and come back again.

If you know how to choose the right domain name, .MY domains can be quite short and easy to remember, just like Exabytes.MY

It is easy for people to type it as well!

Imagine if someone is interested with your products and wish to know more info, but your domain name is too hard to type in – It will cause them to give up on typing and searching more about you.

3. Better Choice for Malaysia Based Companies

Domain Good For Malaysia Based Companies

The government of Malaysia has made it clear that all online business owners should register with SSM.

Have you registered your business with SSM?

If yes, you can register any .COM.MY/.MY domain today without any hassle!

Your competitors who haven’t registered themselves not only risk of being fined, they are also not eligible to register any .COM.MY/.MY domain.

4. Good for Branding

Domain good for branding

.MY & .COM.MY Domains can help you in establishing your online branding.

Are you selling a product/service that serving Malaysia?

MY domain name can give your customers stronger branding compare to other extension. 

5. Boost Customer Trust

Mynic Domain Boost Customer Trust

Customers have more confidence when they realize they’re dealing with a business that is incorporated in Malaysia.

As all .MY & .COM.MY Domains registrants are required to register with SSM, using a .MY / .COM.MY Domain for your website can boost customer trust and confidence.

To understand more, let’s take a look at the Domain Life Cycle.

domain life cycle

That’s the reason why we urge you to GRAB your desired domain names as soon as possible because they might be grabbed by others in the next minute!

The chances of registering a good domain name once it is released are rather slim.