6 Advantages of Having a MY Domain Name


6 advantages of having .my domain name

Did you know that more than 400,000 COM.MY/.MY domains have been registered as of June 2024?

Did you know how can a .COM.MY/.MY domain help your business?

Read on to find out more!

1. Malaysian Digital Identity

.MY domains provide a unique identity to Malaysian businesses and individuals.

.MY domains, one of the critical digital components in the Digital Economy System, is a must if you want to build a website for your business.

In fact, .MY domains offer additional value to individuals/businesses based in Malaysia compared to .COM.

While anyone can register a .COM domain, ,MY domains require its registrants to provide identity verification for registration. 

Therefore, if you run a Malaysia based online business on a website, social media or e-marketplaces, .MY gives your online business an upper hand when it comes to business identity.

2. High Search Ranking on the “Search Engine”

Do you want your WEBSITE or BLOG to appear on the first few pages of Google search results?

One of the deciding factors of good SEO is having a localized domain name, which in this case, is a .COM.MY/.MY domain.

Google has changed its algorithm several times and one of the purposes is to prioritize the search results from local sources.

This shows the importance of having a .MY domain for your business or brand.

Around 89% of customers start their purchase process using a search engine and the global online community uses Google search 7.8 Billion times per day.

It’s a huge market with great potential out there!

With a .MY domain, when someone searches using a “Malaysia” keyword, your website has higher chances of appearing on the first page of Google Search results, which means higher chances for you to grab sales leads from your competitors.

3. A Broad Market

With a .MY domain, you are able to reach a large number of potential customers who want to purchase your products or services online.

Your potential market is broad and you won’t regret it.

4. Safety Assurance

As Malaysia ranks third in the world in availability and commitment to cyber security (Source: Global Cyber Security Index, Nov 2020), .MY domains are safe to own and offer high security.

As .MY domains are governed by Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC), your domain or brand is protected even when someone tries to steal it and resell back to you with a higher price.

5. Digital Branding Protection

The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has outlined Domain Names as part of “Trademarks” & Intellectual Properties.

As “digital properties”, some popular domains are worth millions.

One good example is mi.com, which was sold for $3.6 million in 2014. 

If you own a .MY domain, you will be able to protect your digital brand against being misused by “Cybersquatter” or other irresponsible parties such as scammers.

6. Tax Exemption

Good news for Malaysia entrepreneurs! Entrepreneurs who own a .MY domain name for their e-commerce website can obtain certification from the Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

Next, you can  apply for tax exemption on website construction costs. 

Do you have any .MY domain on your mind now?

Search your desired .MY domain below or visit our website for more details!