Exabytes Acquires Aegis and Leads Cloud-first Digital Transformation in Asia


Exabytes Acquires Aegis and Leads Cloud-first Digital Transformation in Asia

Exabytes, an All-in-one Business Cloud, Digital and eCommerce solutions provider, has finalised the acquisition of Infinity Consulting Technology Sdn Bhd (ICT), established in 2005, a specialist in Enterprise Disaster Recovery and backup services, under the brand-named Aegis.

Aegis, formed in 2009, is the first subscription-based supplier of specialised Cloud Disaster Recovery (CDR) services, targeting the Enterprise market as its primary client base. With the acquisition, it is a strategic move for Exabytes to expand its domain in the Enterprise business industry and lead cloud-first digital transformation in Malaysia and in the Asian region.

“We aim to be the leading cloud and digital business solutions and service provider in the region. Our mission is to accelerate adoption of cloud-first digital transformation not only among SMEs but also for Enterprises.” said Chan Kee Siak, Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Exabytes.

According to Chan Kee Siak, Exabytes’ acquisition of ICT, or Aegis, will give Exabytes an edge in Enterprise business solutions, especially in the disaster recovery services.

“We are now a stronger one-stop eCommerce solutions provider,” said Chan.

Disaster Recovery and Data Protection

”This 100% acquisition of Aegis allows us to immediately offer Exabytes current portfolio of clients, made up of 160,000 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and business enterprises worldwide, a cost-effective digital business continuity, disaster recovery and data protection services,” said Chan.

“These are much needed solutions with the rapid adoption and expansion of eCommerce globally, in recent years,” Chan said in a statement.

Exabytes delivers over two decades of experience in eCommerce and cloud-first digital transformation to the business world. In 121 countries, it serves approximately 160,000 SMEs. Exabytes will expand its product and service offerings to include business restoration, backup, replication, and standby server for Disaster Recovery (DR) services and facilities with flexible and attractive plans as a result of the acquisition.

Could-first Digital Transformation

Eric Foo, Executive Vice President & Head of Enterprise Business of Exabytes believes that, “this acquisition is an amalgamation of strengths.”

According to Eric, customers can now expect more complete cloud-first digital transformation products and services from Exabytes.

First and foremost, cloud backup and disaster recovery solutions assist customers in lowering in-house IT resource maintenance costs, lowering capital investment in hardware and software, and providing flexible scalability plans to meet customers disaster recovery, data recovery, and backup solutions requirements.

“These solutions and services will now be made available in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia,” he said.

What is Cloud Disaster Recovery?

The term “cloud disaster recovery” (cloud DR) refers to the strategies and services that businesses use to back up applications, resources, and data to the cloud environment.

Cloud disaster recovery (DR) protects company assets and ensures business continuity. In the event of a disaster, businesses can restore data from backed-up versions to on-premise or cloud environments. Another significant benefit is the ability to automate several operations and grow swiftly in response to changing company requirements.

This acquisition is seen as a great achievement for Exabytes as it brings Exabytes a step ahead to progress forward.

Exabytes initially started off as a web hosting company in 2001 with vision to become the best website and eCommerce hosting solutions for the South East Asia region. Since then, Exabytes has grown into a web hosting powerhouse in the ASEAN region with over 300 staff and more than 160,000 users.

Exabytes has come to a great progress along the pathway with all the achievements accomplished throughout the years. We at Exabytes wish to continue expanding our business and provide the best by upholding the tagline of ‘Grow Your Business Online’ for our clients.

To learn more about Exabytes and its services visit here.