Last 3 Days to Transfer Your Domain & Stand a Chance to Win a Drone!


Hey, is Your Domain Expiring?

You may not realize it, but we do have a Domain Transfer Program at a special offer price for domain renewals!

And our Selfie Drone Giveaway Offer is ending soon!

last 3 days to win a drone promo
Transfer + Renew for only RM48

What Makes Us Special? 

We offer a transfer plan that comes together with a renewal package that lets you SAVE MORE unlike other providers that charge you transfer and renewal costs separately.

We love to build long term relationship; your website and your business are always our priorities.

Only 3 days left! Don’t hesitate,
Take Action Now!

We had given out a DRONE in our June Session.>>> Let’s congratulate Mr.Chan.

Our last DRONE for new transfer domains with Exabytes will be given out in July.

The winner for July will be announced in August.

Remember to check out our Facebook page for the Winner Announcement. Here

Monthly/Quarterly Special Domain Renewal Surprise

Oh yes, if your domain is expiring on this current expired month (or maybe 1 or 2 months before your expiry), we will send you our surprise renewal offer through your email!

Stay tuned for our Monthly/Quarterly offer when your domain is going to expire soon.

Here are one of recent special renewal programs: WIN a special edition Exabytes Mighty Mug.

Domain Transfer is Never This Easy with Just These Few Steps.

To transfer domains, click HERE

Step 1

www icon
For .COM.MY/.MY: Appoint a new invoicing party.

For .COM/.NET: Submit your domain transfer request to our domain registrar within 24 hours upon receiving your order and payment confirmation.

To know how, please click here.

Step 2

website icon

Key in Your Existing Domain Host with other registrars.

If you need help, contact us.

Step 3

shopping cart icon

Check out, fill out the details and enjoy the renewal promotion for your domain.

Don’t hesitate anymore! A new DRONE might be waiting for you!