Date: 13 February, 2013
Time: 8.30 am
Venue: Exabytes HQ
The 4th Day of Chinese New Year, also the first day of work after the beautiful holidays, two auspicious red lions appeared at Exabytes headquarters, bringing together with them good luck and prosperity to wish Exabytes Happy Chinese New Year! Bringing in the surprise were the performers of Lion Dance who dressed in yellow T-shirts. Lion Dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and an auspicious ceremony to scare away evil spirits and attract luck and fortune.
As CEO Chan, his dearly family members and Exabees wearing red were anxiously expecting the arrival of good luck, at 8.30 am the first hit of gong was heard. Amidst cheering and clapping of hands, two red lions danced into our reception area with their full fledged gong equipment. The truly ear-shattering ‘Tuck Tuck Dong Dong Dong Chang’, ‘Dong Dong Dong….. Chang’ was heard everywhere, scaring away the bad evils and bring in the good luck.
Upon reaching the reception area as well as dancing and greetings by the lions, one of the auspicious animals rested his head on our front desk, before approaching CEO Chan to tuck in the auspicious pineapple and pomelo. In Chinese Hokkien, as the pronunciation of pineapple is similar to “luck/fortune come” (also has similar pronunciation close to ‘online’), we are elated to see the very luck-promising lions ‘eating’ the fruit from the hand of CEO Chan.
Our spirit runs high as the lions adjourned to our meeting room, followed by the fun room and finally the desks of respective departments at Exabytes HQ such as Customer Service Department, Technical Department, Sales & Marketing Department, Creative Department, etc.
Certainly, the last and the most exciting endeavor was to ‘pluck the green’ aka ‘Cai Ching’ in Chinese, using their exceptional martial arts skills.
Looking at the green hung around 6 feet high at the entrance of Exabytes, the two auspicious animals danced gracefully before one of them making its Kung Fu jump and got the green in one single attempt. Amidst a big round of applause, flashes of cameras were seen to capture the important moments.
Finally, this motivating dance event was wrapped up by a group photo taking session together with the lions. We know that it signified an abundance of great luck, auspiciousness and fortune in year 2013, a year filled with great success and plenty of happiness. Exabees wish to thank CEO Chan for inviting the lions and the performers of Lion Dance for their spectacular performance!