eCommerceFest 2021: Series #1 eCommerce Success Stories & Insights


A person’s real-life story always inspires and pushes us to take action toward our life’s goals. Through eCommerceFest 2021, we hope to motivate you to take action toward achieving your goals with the #1 series of our event theme ‘eCommerce Success Stories & Insights’.

Ensure that you attend the first series of our eCommerceFest 2021 on 15 June 2021 (Tuesday), with the theme ‘eCommerce Success Stories & Insights’. We hope to empower eCommerce merchants and SMEs through this event, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence they need to grow their business online.

Why you must join Series #1?

You shouldn’t miss this series if you are an eCommerce merchant or a small business owner. This series will walk you through local eCommerce merchants’ true success stories. They will share their entrepreneurial experiences and insights — a great chance to learn and improve your business. 

Let’s take a look at the topics in Series#1: 

Ecommerce Success Stories - How Malaysian SMEs Scaled New Growth via eCommerce

Topic 1: How Malaysian SMEs Scaled New Growth via eCommerce

Moderator: Wintson Tham, Business Development, Exabytes


  1. Kim May Chee, Founder, Cocodry.
  2. Edmund Tan, Founder, Inside Scoop.

In this session, we will have eCommerce entrepreneurs Kim May Chee, the founder of Cocodry, and Edmund Tan, the founder of Inside Scoop. They will be sharing with us how they became successful in their eCommerce journey in Malaysia! 

Next Stage of eCommerce in Malaysia - The Challenges & Opportunities

Topic 2: Next Stage of eCommerce in Malaysia – The Challenges & Opportunities

Moderator:  Salman Ahmad, Assistant Manager, E-Commerce Division, Sidec


  1. Ganesh Kumar Bangah, Executive Chairman, Commerce DotAsia Ventures Sdn Bhd
  2. Song Hock Koon, Director of eCommerce, MDEC  

Malaysia is one of Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing eCommerce markets. This session points out problems and opportunities that the next stage of eCommerce in Malaysia would bring. With this knowledge, you can better prepare yourself for the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.

The Ultimate Tips to Pitch Your Business Idea to Investors Successfully

Topic 3: The Ultimate Tips to Pitch Your Business Idea to Investors Successfully

Moderator: Puan Juliana Jan, Senior Vice President Grant, Cradle 


  1. Liew Kei Yan, Founder & CEO, PARKIT
  2. Ben Lim, Managing Director, NEXEA 
  3. Zer Ken Yap, Co-founder, Plush Services and Kapas Living
  4. Yi Chung Ng, Partner, ACV 

You must be exceptional at pitching and presenting when convincing investors to take a chance on your idea. This session will go over how we can impress the investor and create a compelling pitch deck.

By joining this series ‘eCommerce Success Stories & Insights’, you will have the opportunity to learn the best practices of running a successful eCommerce business. Start growing your eCommerce business by equipping yourself with all the strategies and tactics shared at this event!

Register now at 

For those who have registered, kindly check your email to get the login access link. 

See you there!