What a Glitz & Glam Red Carpet Night it was!
Exabytes celebrates its team members’ hard work and achievements at its long awaited annual dinner!
Exabytes in its 23rd year
Rolling into our 23rd year of excellence, Exabytes on a wonderful Saturday evening celebrated the great achievements of the company as a whole, its outstanding team members who over-shined with their remarkable performance, its loyal employees with service of five years and above, and not forgetting the entire team who supported the company’s success of achieving higher than its target for the year!
Held at its headquarters city, Penang, this year’s Exabytes annual dinner themed “Glitz & Glam Red Carpet Night” saw team members from offices across all three countries of Exabytes’.
It was a night of celebration, a great opportunity for team members across the different countries of Exabytes’ to reconnect, gather and team up again to achieve a different goal this time round, that is to win as many prizes as they wished for on that night.
This celebrative evening is not only for Exabees – what we call ourselves as Exabytes’ team members, but it is also for family members of all Exabees who wish to join us in celebrating the achievements of their loved ones.
The party starts here!
The evening started off with a treat for the entire company’s team members to The Top Penang’s Rainbow Skywalk.
An experience like never before, we are gathered at the very top of Penang, chilling, having fun and snapping away on our phones with the people we spend most of our days with!
As the party moved back into the grand ballroom, we kickstarted Exabytes’ Glitz & Glam Red Carpet Night!
The event welcomed our VIPs of the night, the man of the house who is none other than our beloved Founder and CEO, Mr Chan, our angel investors, Exabytes directors, members from Ekuinas and all family members who have been supporting each and every one of us on this journey of success with Exabytes.
Of course, this evening is only possible with the efforts of Exabees to celebrate the hard work and achievements of all Exabees!
Warm greetings from key persons of Exabytes
In his welcoming speech, Mr Chan shared his journey starting from 23 years ago, to what Exabytes has achieved today. It was his announcement on the amount achieved in 2023 that surpassed the company’s set target that brought on a big cheer and put big smiles on the faces of his team members. Mr Chan himself was happy and delighted to welcome everyone to this long awaited physical annual dinner. Sharing what was the company’s annual dinner (or lunch) before, “Exabytes has been celebrating our annual dinner, turned luncheon, the digital way, through our computer screens. Today, we can finally gather here to celebrate all our hard work and achievements.”
Mr Aliff, our Chairman and Director said, “Exabytes has come a long way and in the 23 years, we have seen tremendous growth in the company, as well as our team members. The achievement as announced by Chan in his speech is a great reward for each and everyone that plays a role in the growth of Exabytes. I can assure you that, today, there is less than the number of fingers on what one hand can count, of tech companies in Malaysia that have surpassed hundreds of millions in their captured yearly revenue.”
Dato’ Tan Bian Ee, Former Chairman of Exabytes kept his speech short and sweet. Noting from Mr Chan’s speech, “Congratulations to each and every one of you for the great achievements thus far. Chan in his speech announced that we will now work towards achieving billions and I have got this written down on a piece of paper. I am tremendously proud of Exabytes and it has been a great honour for me to be associated with Chan since 23 years ago, and to still be a part of Exabytes today. Exabytes has come a long way with great achievements year after year. I look forward to witnessing more achievements and being with you on the billion achievement celebration!”
Exabytes’ top achievers
These inspiring words warmed up the evening and gave big motivations to the team.
Other than the hundreds of lucky draw prizes for Exabees to bring home, the evening celebrated achievements of team members who over-achieved surpassing their set targets.
Shin, a role model to all Exabees, had his jaw dropped and a big smile from ear to ear when he was surprised with the largest reward of the night that truly reflects the magnitude of the company’s success.
As a token of appreciation for his extraordinary efforts, Mr Chan revealed that the top performer in its sales team will be rewarded with none other than a brand-new Tesla Model 3!
This sleek, cutting-edge electric vehicle symbolises innovation, sustainability, and forward-thinking values that resonate deeply with our company’s ethos.
It is a testament to Exabytes’ collective vision of driving towards a brighter, more sustainable future, both in business and beyond.
At this momentuous moment showing his great appreciation, Mr Chan, our Founder and CEO, presented a brand new Tesla to Shin, for capturing near to 3 million in sales within a year.
This reward was definitely a huge surprise to Shin and an eye-opener for all Exabees.
The reward not only showed the company’s appreciation for its team, but also came as great motivation for Exabees to focus and achieve their goals.
In addition to the grand reward, Mr Chan also rewarded many other team members for their achievements as million sales achievers and the highest amount in an invoice recorded with gold bars to some, and an overseas trip to the others.
Gifts for Exabees
Other than the above eye-opening rewards, the evening also showcased Exabytes’ appreciation towards its loyal employees, who through thick and thin, success and losses, stayed loyal and dedicated to the company, and today, has captured the memorable period of fighting through the pandemic together.
Service awards of 5 years, 10 years and 15 years were presented to over 20 Exabees.
These awards not only showcased the company’s appreciation to its loyal and dedicated team members, but it also conveyed a silent message of what it is like working at Exabytes, as well as the comfort and happiness Exabees enjoy.
Exabees looking our best
The night came to a close with a fanciful cat walk presented by Exabees who committed themselves to the evening’s Best Dressed competition.
It was a night of celebration for our hard work, as well as a night for all Exabees to let their hair down, be themselves, mingle with their colleagues and bosses, and cheer the night away.
We definitely did not want the night to end, but we are also excited to celebrate our next achievements together.