The alarm buzzed off at 5.30am and just like the day before, we got up excitedly to get ready and learn together with the participants, the tips and tricks in e-commerce at Exabytes eCommerce Conference 2013.
Just like the day before, the participants were served light refreshment such as muffins and coffees before the event began to wake their senses.
During this time, the participants also had the chance to network among themselves while exchanging thoughts on the knowledge shared on the day before.
As soon as the clock stroke 9am, the MC once again welcomed the crowd for attending the event, and to kickstart the day, invited Mr Felix from to recap the topics that were shared the day before. Once Mr Felix was done recapping the topics, the conference started with a forum discussion on The Evolution of Malaysia Delivery Supply Chain.
The forum was moderated by Mr Clarence from Easy Venture, and the panelists were Dr Teo from Skynet as well as Mr Richard from
This session was rather interesting and was getting many participation from the participants, as we all knew, timely shipping goes hand in hand with good e-commerce.
After the Q&A session, the conference was brought to a short tea break to allow the participants to refresh themselves before coming back and absorb even more tips and tricks from the e-commerce gurus.
Once the participants came back from the short tea break, the conference continued with a talk by a special guest from Packet One Network, Mr Kelvin Lee who spoke on the topic Hosted Voice & 1-700-Numbers for Business Owners.
In this topic, Mr Kelvin explained the importance of having mobile internet connection at all times, especially when one is running an online business.
After that, the conference continued with a panel forum that brought together speakers from Cari, as well as Advertlets, Mr Josh Lim and moderated by a representative from PiPR, Ms Ting Ting.
It was an interesting discussion, as they discussed the Digital Media’s Role in Malaysia eCommerce Industries. In the discussion, it was clear that digital media played a big role in the e-commerce industry nowadays and it is predicted to grow even bigger by year 2014.
The session ended just in time as our tummy growled. All the concentration and cold hall were definitely making our tummies hungry!
When the MC called out for a lunch, without waiting any longer, we dove in the array of food selection prepared by the GMKL Hotel chefs.
They were so yummy, we even saw the participants helped themselves, servings after servings! When our tummies couldn’t take anymore in, we were called back by the MC to resume the conference.
The next talk was about Why Users Leave Your Website, a very insightful talk given by our special guest, Mr Alvin from Netizen Testing. In his presentation, he shared the factors that made site visitors to leave your website and ways to make them stay longer.
Once Mr Alvin was done, the conference continued with the slot that everybody was waiting for — Shooting a Good Photo and Video for Your Online Business.
As we all know, when it comes to online business, no one can deny the importance of a good photography. With good photography, an ordinary product can turn out looking extraordinary with just the right angle and right amount of lighting.
With us during the event, were renowned speakers that are professionals in the photography/videography field — Mr Vickson from as the moderator, Ms Venus Khor from Rising One Media, Mr Teck Siong from and Mr KJ from Chase a Light.
Before the conference really started, Mr KJ, who’s a yo-yo enthusiast, even entertained us all with his yo-yo performance that definitely got all sleepy eyes snapped open! 😀
During the Photography session also, Mr Teck didn’t forget to share the tricks to taking good product picture to put in your website.
According to him, the key to a good product photography for your website is by placing the product in a white box with lights shining through it.
Don’t forget to make a few holes at the box for maximum effect too. The lights that shine through will help soften the harsh direct light from the lighting source.
After the photography session, the participants were once again being wow-ed by the next speaker, Mr Hussin Khan from Certified Adobe Trainer who demonstrated Photoshop Quick Tips for Beginners.
He demonstrated how to remove an object in a picture with just a few clicks, and the object disappeared — just like a magic show! 😛 After Mr Hussin’s captivating demonstration, the conference was again brought to a short break to allow the participants to refresh themselves.
Once we were all refreshed, the conference continued with a talk given by our special guest, Mr Chan Kok Long from iPay88 on the topic, Preventing Online Payment Fraud Effectively.
Shortly after Mr Chan’s talk, the conference continued on with a panel forum on the topic Online Shopping Trend in Malaysia, highlighting speakers like Mr Shaun Lee from Milk-A-Deal, Mr Wong from Jackcow, Mr Clement from Easy Discount and moderated by Mr Jun King from Astar Alpha.
After 2 days of discussing about the importance of having online business, the success stories, SEO and the marketing part of it, came the very last slot that got everybody waiting — exactly HOW they want to start their online business?
Together with us to elaborate more on the issure, were speakers from Mr Jason from Brigidwellnes, Mr Mike from OfficeSpace2u and moderated by Mr Felix from
With the end of the slot, marked the end of Day 2 and the end of Exabytes eCommerce Conference as a whole.
Before we wrapped the event, Mr Chan Kee Siak came up the stage to give his closing speech and to officially end the 2-day conference.
Needless to say, it was a very successful event, all thanks to the Exabees that worked really hard to pull this event together.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors — AIMS, Packet One Network (P1), MOLPay, Netizen Testing, IP Pintas, GHL Systems, iPay88 and supported by Digital Malaysia, for making this event possible.
We hoped everyone enjoyed and benefited from this event – Exabytes eCommerce Conference 2013, and we do hope to see more of you in our events, next year! Until then, go e-commerce, go online!