Materialise Your Dream Digitally


materialise-your-dream-digitallyAll that talks about digital, digitalising and digitalisation… but to what extend can we digitalise? In this day and time, can everything be digitalised? Can we put everything on cloud?

To some extend, YES YOU CAN!

Grabbing Opportunities To Grow You Digitally

As a digital company ourselves that nurtures and encourages digitalisation, Exabytes grabbed the opportunity to partner Foundingbird, a platform aimed to simplify the processes of starting, running & governing a company in Malaysia. Foundingbird set forth to change the business landscape of Malaysia. Digitalising decades-old procedures and automating mundane tasks, making it possible to set up your own business wherever you are, anytime you want. 

Can All Tasks Be Digitalised?

Starting a business sounds like a challenge not many can achieve or even one that not many would wanna put themselves through. With the hit of the pandemic, many are facing job loss or struggling to keep their positions. The sudden hit of this pandemic did not give us time to decide and prepare to embrace digitalisation. Common as it is now for many to say or hear about “working from home”, there are still many job positions and tasks where “work from home” cannot be applied to. The daily tasks involved with the resources some companies have just does not allow for the tasks to be carried out remotely.

Digitalising Start-up Procedures

The nature of Foungdingbird caught our interest. Being able to digitalise starting, running and governing a company and all those decades-old procedures by automating mundane tasks is a valuable success of digitalisation that we’d like to bring your attention to. How convenient can it get? Foundingbird has omitted the stress and fuss of us having to physically visit multiple offices and governmental departments to get things in order to have our business start-up.

How Can Our Partnership Grow Your Business Digitally?

Through our partnership with Foundingbird, we’re happy to be able to share with our clients that you can now enjoy RM200 off Foundingbird retainer fee when you sign up with them to kickstart your business. And if you are a Foundingbird client looking to accelerate your business in this digital world, fret not! Be sure to enjoy 20% off Exabytes services if you want to grow your business to greater heights online! Check out our partnership page for more details on available offers.