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.ASIA Domain Registrations

Get a strong regional presence with .asia

Connect with an entire region with a single domain name. Establish connection with different countries & build better identity.

Introducing .ASIA Domain

The ".asia" domain is a top-level domain (TLD) that represents the Asia-Pacific region. It is an ICANN-sponsored domain extension operated by the DotAsia Organisation Ltd. This domain is open to companies, individuals, and organizations that have a connection to the region.

It's particularly useful for businesses that operate in different Asian countries, as it gives them regional recognition and increases their exposure to the growing number of Internet users in the Asia-Pacific region.

.asia domain

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Why Choose .asia Domain Name?

Establish Connection

Gain a good sense of belonging and stronger identity in the Asia community

Stand out from competitors

Be more recognizable and more different from competitors that using general domain extensions like .COM domain.

Short and simple

Memorable and easy to remember.

Extended Reach

Gain a larger exposure by targeting more countries instead of one with .ASIA domain.


.ASIA is a Domain Extension sponsored by DotAsia Organisation. It is also a regional domain for companies, organizations and individuals that specifically have a target demographic market based in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific.

.ASIA is a short, highly recognizable phrase focused on Asia identity with a clear and lasting value. The name value for .ASIA is especially notable for the thriving SMEs in the region, judging from the fact that many have continued to expand beyond their local market by tapping into the power of the Internet as a platform for rapid growth.

Numerous organizations, initiatives, events, etc. use “Asia” as a defining element, for example:

  • Asia based events, such as Asian Games, ITU Telecom Asia, etc.
  • Local companies expanding to the Asia regional market and Asia headquarters or subsidiaries of global companies.
  • NGOs and non-profit organizations based in Asia such as APNIC, APNG, etc.
  • Regional Asia media: newspapers, magazines, TV channels such as Asian Wall Street Journal, Channel News Asia, etc.

Asia focused businesses: Air Asia, JetStar Asia, Aero Asia, etc.

.ASIA TLD fulfils the market needs to have a REGIONAL DOMAIN that improves international recognition and regional competitiveness in a growing community.

Asia with over 60% of the world’s population is a region that is experiencing extensive economic and technical growth. A special and dedicated domain can help players in the region to cement a common regional ONLINE IDENTITY and realize their potential.

As the SME makes up the largest and fastest growing segment of the market in most cases, it is strongly believed that it will benefit most from the market-expanding potential of a regional .ASIA domain.

The beginnings of the .ASIA initiative can be traced back to several major discussions began in 2000 to establish a regional TLD “.AP“. It was quickly identified that there are many regional organizations in the Pan-Asia and Asia-Pacific region.

Next, ICANN announced a Request For Proposal (RFP) for Sponsored Top Level Domain Names in 2003.

The formation of DotAsia is a community-based initiative that was not created / mandated by any government. It was instead a grassroots initiative supported by a diverse range of well-established organizations in the region.

Legal entities within the Pan-Asia and Asia-Pacific region (defined by ICANN as Asia/Australia/Pacific region; Read more.) can register names under .ASIA TLD.
The .ASIA domain can be used by individuals, businesses, organizations as well as community groups.
Yes. .ASIA will launch ASCII domain name services first. Next, it will launch IDN services step by step, language by language, strictly following the IDN standards of IETF and IDN guidelines issued by ICANN.
Currently, only 3 characters or more .ASIA domains (ie. are available for registrations. In August 2011 DotAsia submitted request to ICANN for the release of 1 and 2 character names such as ‘’. This request was approved on Feb 29, 2012. DotAsia is working with our channel partners to release these names. If you’d like to stay updated on the release of these names please write to us.
No, a regional address is not mandatory when registering a .ASIA domain. However, depending on the range of service provided by your registrar of choice, you may be asked to provide a Charter Eligibility Declaration (CED) contact or a Charter Eligibility Administrative (CEA) Contact.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Standard prices apply to regular domain names. Exabytes reserves the right to refund or request a top-up for premium domains.
  2. Promotion price is applicable to new registration only. For renewal, the price will be reverted to default price.
  3. Domain Name Money-Back Guarantee is valid for 3 days (from the date of payment).
  4. Domain registrations are based on first-come, first-served basis upon payment confirmation. It will only be processed upon successful payment received by our billing department.
  5. Submitting your order(s) to Exabytes does not mean your requested domain(s) is/are already registered until payment confirmation is received.
  6. This offer is open to only Malaysian Citizens and Businesses Registered in Malaysia.
  7. Domain registration fees are strictly non refundable.
  8. This promotion is NOT applicable for the registration/purchase of Premium Domains, Pragmatic Domains and Premium Numeric Domains. Exabytes reserves the right to cancel any domain orders that involve the aforementioned domains.
  9. Information for limitation of characters on domain names. Read More.
  10. Exabytes reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this offer without any prior notice.
  11. For enquiries, please contact us.
  12. You do agree to our terms of service available here.

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