Company Introduction

Service Provided:

PayHalal™ is an Islamic payment gateway that is dedicated to halal and Islamic institutional payments offering secure internet payment solution including both card and non-card payments channel to online merchant. PayHalal™’s goal is to eliminate Gharhar and Riba, directly or indirectly.

PayHalal™ operates as a representative for both sellers and buyers by “standing in the gap” of the physical presence and carries out the transactions by fulfilling the necessary contract online all in accordance to Shariah. All of PayHalal™’s transactions smart contracts are guided by faith, or Iman, which essentially entails distinguishing between halal (ethical) and haram (unethical), appropriate and inappropriate, fair and unjust, good and bad intentions in business dealings.

PayHalal™ is the first to provide an end-to-end Shariah compliant payment gateway that processes transaction data which observe Shariah principles through the method known as “Sirot” based on Sirot Al Mustaqim. PayHalal™’s Islamic fintech solutions are attested by Amanie Advisors, a leading Shariah advisory firm specializing in Islamic finance solutions.

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