Tesla Christmas
Exabytes x mynic

GROW Digital

Get 10x entries from 16-31 Dec 2024

*terms and conditions apply

Supercharge your digital journey with Exabytes
and seize this chance to win a Tesla!

Don't miss out on this electrifying opportunity.

How to Join?

Step 1

Purchase & Enter

Option A

Purchase/Renew any .com.my, .my, .net.my, org.my, .biz.my for 5-years.

Spend RM500+
Option b

Spend/renew a minimum of RM500 & above on any Exabytes Hosting solutions in a single invoice.

Step 2

Level Up with Entries!

Electrify your chances with each qualifying purchase! Only one winner will drive away in a Tesla Model 3!

Campaign Period: 1st April 2024 to 31st December 2024, 11:59pm.

For more information, refer terms and conditions here.

Popular Domain & Hosting

5 Years MYNIC Domains

*More 5-year domain names mean more entries!


Business Web Hosting
EBiz 13 Plus

As low as



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WP Hosting
WP 13 Business

As low as



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cPanel Web Hosting
cPanel 13 Plus

As low as


RM149.99 - SAVE 80%

Buy Now


Founded in 2001, Exabytes grew to be one of Southeast Asia’s leading All-in-one Business Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider today. Powering more than 160,000 customers worldwide, today Exabytes still stands with number one market share in the region. With more than 20 years of experience and a mission to GROW Digital, Exabytes is always hard at work in curating and collaborating with the best solutions for businesses to grow their digitalisation journey burdenless and effortlessly.

Other than the core domain and hosting to start digitising, Exabytes is also the expert on cloud, marketing, digital, cybersecurity and enterprise solutions. We empower and simplify digital transformation initiatives through Exabytes’ solutions and Exabytes Enterprise’s one-stop cloud solutions and cybersecurity managed services.

MYNIC is an agency under the Ministry of Digital. They are dedicated to help Malaysians reach out to the world via the use of .MY domain names. MYNIC administers ten (10) domain name categories i.e. .my, .com.my, .biz.my, .org.my, .net.my, .coop.my, .edu.my, .gov.my, .mil.my and .name.my.

A: A single purchase/renew of 5(five) years MYNIC Domain: (.MY, .COM.MY, .BIZ.MY, .NET.MY, .ORG.MY domain) extension., OR

B: Purchase minimum of RM500 worth of Exabytes hosting solutions, OR

C: Existing customers who renewed with minimum of RM500 and above on Exabytes products/services, and they will automatically be enrolled into the competition.

All entries will be counted based on individual invoice. The more purchases you make, the more entries are submitted and the higher chances you have of winning the Tesla.

All entries will be counted based on individual invoices, as described below:

Scenario A:a) If a customer purchased 5(five) years of MYNIC domain name and RM500 worth of Exabytes Hosting solution in the same invoice / seperate invoice2 entries
Scenario B:b) If a customer purchases RM2,000 worth of Exabytes Hosting solution in the same invoice/ seperate invoice.1 entry
Scenario C:c) If a customer purchases a 5(five) year of .COM.MY and a .MY domain name in the same invoice/ seperate invoice.2 entries

No, the prize must be redeemed with personal information verification.


The prize for this campaign is only one (1) Tesla Model 3.

For more details, kindly refer to the Terms & Conditions of this campaign which outline the rules to be adhered to for this contest.

Terms and Conditions

Campaign Mechanics and Conditions
  1. This Campaign will commence on 1st April 2024, at 00:00:00 AM (MYT) and ends on 31st December 2024, at 11:59:59PM (MYT) [both dates inclusive] (“Campaign Period”).
  2. Eligible Customers are required to perform any of the Eligible Transactions via the Exabytes website to earn an entry or entries (“Entries”) to stand a chance to win the Prize.
  3. The entries earned are not transferrable.
  4. Eligible Customers can earn Entries as per the Eligible Transactions listed below:
    Eligible TransactionsEntitled Entries to Win
    A single purchase/renew of 5(five) years & above for MYNIC Domain: (.MY, .COM.MY, .NET.MY, .ORG.MY, BIZ.MY domain) extension.Earn 1 entry
    Spend/renew a minimum of RM500 & above on any Exabytes Hosting solutions in a single invoice.Earn 1 entry
  5. Only purchase of 5(five) years & above MYNIC domain name extension(s) and a minimum spend of RM500 & above on Exabytes hosting solutions during the Campaign Period will be eligible for this Campaign, scenario as below:
    ScenarioEligible entries upon Eligible Transaction
    a) If a customer purchased 5(five) years of MYNIC domain name and RM500 worth of Exabytes Hosting solution in the same invoice / seperate invoice2 entries
    b) If a customer purchases RM2,000 worth of Exabytes Hosting solution in the same invoice/ seperate invoice.1 entry
    c) If a customer purchases a 5(five) year of .COM.MY and a .MY domain name in the same invoice/ seperate invoice.2 entries
  6. Exabytes Hosting solutions refer to plans and packages listed under the following categories:
    1. www.exabytes.my/hosting
    2. www.exabytes.my/servers
  7. No entry fee is required to participate in this contest.

Eligibility & Platform
  1. This Campaign is open to Exabytes customers with the following eligibility criteria:
    1. New customers sign up from 1 Apr 2024; or
    2. Existing Exabytes customers; or
    3. Transfer customers to Exabytes; or
    4. Exabytes Renewal customers
  2. This Campaign is accessible through the Exabytes website to perform any of the eligible transactions (as stated in the column marked ‘Type of Eligible Transactions’ of the table in Clause 2.0 (d) (“Eligible Transactions”).
  3. All individual customer who have fulfilled the above criteria and have carried out successful Eligible Transaction(s) will hereinafter be referred to as “Eligible Customer”.
  4. Eligible Customers must be aged 18 years and above.
  5. The following persons are NOT eligible to participate in the Contest below:
    1. Permanent and/or contract employees of Exabytes (including its subsidiaries and related companies), including their respective immediate family members, meaning parents, spouses, children and siblings;
    2. Representatives and/or agents (including advertising agents and contest management agents) of the Organizer, including their respective immediate family members, meaning parents, spouses, children and siblings.
Contest Prize, Winner Selection and Announcement
  1. Eligible Customers that have performed Eligible Transactions will be selected as winner as below (“Winner”) and win Prize as below:
    PrizeTotal number of Winners for the entire Campaign Period
    1 x Tesla Model 31x unique Winner
  2. There will only be (1) one prize to be won and by (1) one winner only.
  3. Winner will be randomly selected by a randomiser based on the Entries earned during the Campaign Period.
  4. Winner will be announced on Exabytes’ social media pages, then contacted by January 2025.
  5. Prize is not transferable nor exchangeable and will only be issued to the Winner as verified by Exabytes.
  6. The image of the Prize (if any) in any brochure, marketing, or Campaign material is for illustration purposes only.
  7. If applicable, the Prize does not include any accessories or items shown in any brochure, marketing, or Campaign material as they are for illustrative purposes only.
  8. All costs, fees and/or expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Winner in relation to the Campaign and/or claiming the Prize, which shall include but not limited to the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, personal costs and/or other costs, are the sole responsibility of the Prize Winner.
  9. Grand Prize winner is required on their own accord and expenses to register with the Road Transport Department (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan) before the Grand Prize giving ceremony in which the date and venue will be determined by Exabytes at its own discretion.
  10. In the event that the authorized dealer is unable to supply the same model as described herein to Exabytes due to reasons which include, but are not limited to manufacture(s) recall or damaged/lost/stolen during storage and delivery, Exabytes reserves the right to substitute the Grand Prize with another model of like or similar value as its sole discretion, with twenty-one (21) calendar days prior notice by way of posting on the Exabytes website and/or other platforms or manner deemed appropriate by Exabytes.
  11. Exabytes accepts no responsibility for any tax responsibilities that may arise from the Prizes or the use thereof. Any tax filing obligation or tax payment (if any) due to any tax authority as a result of receipt of the Prize remains the sole responsibility of the Prize Winner. It is the responsibility of the Prize Winner to seek independent tax advice on the possible tax responsibilities for their financial situations.

General Terms & Conditions
  1. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions offered by Exabytes and MYNIC during the campaign period.
  2. Exabytes and MYNIC reserve the rights to appoint a third party to fulfill the delivery of prize. The Winner agrees that Exabytes may provide all necessary information of the Winner to such a third party to facilitate such a service.
  3. By joining this contest, participants agree to be bound by the Terms & Conditions herein as well as, MYNIC’s and Exabytes’s Data Protection Policy.
  4. Exabytes and MYNIC reserve the rights to display winner’s full name, domain name and photos in any media publication.
  5. Exabytes and MYNIC may contact the winner to arrange for in-person or virtual call and use the images and videos for its promotional content.
  6. Exabytes reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions as they deemed fit without prior notice.
  7. The Prize is accepted entirely at the risk of the Winner, and the Organizer excludes all warranties in connection with any Prize to the extent permitted by law.
  8. Non-compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein may lead to disqualification of the participant’s entry.
  9. GROW Digital, It’s Electrifying! Tesla Campaign (“Campaign”) is organised by Exabytes Network Sdn Bhd (Company Registration No.: 200201008429) & supported by MYNIC Berhad (Company Registration No. 200601015279) (collectively known as “MYNIC”) and shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions herein.
  10. By participating in this Campaign, Eligible Customer (as defined in Clause i below) hereby expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any decisions made by Exabytes in respect of the Campaign shall be final and binding.
  11. The mechanics of all Project Manhattan – Tesla Edition (“Campaign”) will vary accordingly following different highlights and/or festive seasons, and will be stipulated on its respective Terms & Conditions on Facebook Notes.

Why Choose

Your complete AI, Business App, Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider

SEA's Trusted and Leading Brand

Known and recognised as Southeast Asia’s leading AI, Business App, Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider, powering over 160,000 customers globally.

More Than A Web Hosting Provider

We are your one-stop point for all that your business needs to build an online presence and grow your business to greater heights online.

The Latest is Here at Exabytes

We are equipped with the latest digital solutions at all times, that is best-suited for your business performance.

Proven 100% Client Satisfaction

We are backed by excellent client confidence and satisfaction, and the products and services we offer carry credibility.



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