Office’s New Year Resolution: No more punch cards!


Nowadays, many companies want to get rid of punch cards and punch card machines for a more cost-saving and efficient way. This is mainly because:

Disadvantages of using punch card machines

  • Oldish punch card system is Not efficient
  • HR admin busy collecting data from employees attendance
  • Tons of work & time needed for data entry
  • Troublesome to review attendance reports
  • Can’t view attendance anytime they want

easywork mobile app

How EasyWork Replaces punch card machines at ZERO Cost?

Advantages of using Easywork mobile app 

EasyWork: efficient, high tech, cost-saving!

  • You can easily punch in & punch out anytime anywhere. Use the tracking location function like ‘Pokemon Go’ and notify HR where you are.
  • Salespersons can easily notify office where they meet clients.
  • Staff can clock in attendance and give a remark at the same time.  

easywork mobile app

  • IMPORTANT: All data recorded in EasyWork app can be easily exported to Excel in CSV file format — ZERO data entry effort needed. SAVE TIME & MANPOWER!
  • All data is presented clearly and neatly. Admin can filter data by date according to needs.
  • Choose either clock in with GPS location or Scanning QR Code.
  • Personalize your working hours for better attendance recording.

EasyWork gives you the best attendance record system!

No more punch cards, everything can be done on your mobile phone in a few seconds. Now you can say goodbye to time consuming data entry work and have the most cost-effective HR department!  

What is the best way in experiencing Latest Productivity Office & HR Tools? EasyWork is the solution. To understand more about EasyWork, visit . EasyWork is available for both Android and IOS.

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