In the internet marketing world, earning passive income with affiliate marketing seems to be an easier way to start with.
By promoting affiliate products, one doesn’t need to own any inventory or any support team.
Everything is handled by the company that provides the products/services; the only thing one needs to do is to promote the products/services.
Certainly, setting up an affiliate marketing campaign requires some knowledge and experience.
And that’s why we’ve compiled the below 3 basic steps that would help you to set up and start promoting your affiliate products.
Step 1: Create a Landing Page
What is a landing page? Basically, a landing page is any web page that a web visitor lands on after clicking on a hyperlink/banner/title.
A basic landing page should consist of a sales copy and a lead capture form. A landing page is responsible for promoting and giving good descriptions of your affiliate products.
It also works to collect subscribers’ details, and sometimes payment. In short, a landing page is the most basic element that every Internet marketing campaign should have.
Suggestion: You could also register a domain name to make your landing page looks more legitimate.
Step 2: Setup an autoresponder
The next step you must do is set up an autoresponder.
Autoresponder is an email marketing software that helps to automatically generate a set of response emails that sent to a specific email address.
The purpose of setting up an autoresponder is to automatically collect subscribers and send emails to them.
There are plenty of autoresponder software out there, but you can sign up for some renowned one such as MailChimp and Aweber.
First, set up an online form that integrates with the autoresponder. Next, draft some email sequences that you wish to send to your subscribers.
Once a subscriber opts-in to your subscriber list, you can start sending him/her a newsletter to promote your affiliate products.
Step 3: Plan for your marketing channel
Different marketing channels have different marketing strategies. In this post, we would suggest the following 3 most common and easiest marketing channels.
Channel 1: Social Media
Social Media by now is the most commonly used marketing channel. The most commonly used social media are Facebook and Twitter. The two strategies you can implement for social media are free and paid.
The free method consists of timeline sharing, group posting, commenting and social chatting. Paid method refers to social media ads, such as Facebook Ads, etc.
Channel 2: Forum Marketing
Forum marketing is also another free method to promote your affiliate products. You can go to forums that are specialized in your product’s niche and post a thread with a title that is related to your affiliate products.
You can also comment on others’ threads and posts. At the end of the conversation, suggest your affiliate products in the post. You can also promote affiliate products by attaching affiliate banners in your signature area.
Channel 3: Email Marketing
Email marketing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reach your customers. If you have an email list, try sending newsletters to them, informing them or recommending the affiliate products you are promoting.
If you don’t, you could use the methods stated in Step 1 and Step 2 to start building your own email list!
With these 3 basic steps, you are ready to promote your affiliate products. We would suggest avoiding the method of ‘spamming’ as most people dislike it. This can cause your potential customers to lose confidence in you and affect your sales.
We hope this article has provided some great insights into running an affiliate marketing effectively. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach us.