Setting Up an Auto-Responder in cPanel


how to set up an auto-responder in cpanel
Do you know what an auto-responder is and what it can do?

What is Auto-Responder?

  • It enables you to send a response automatically to a specific emial address which cans et up within your email setting.
  • It is great to use when notifying clients you have received their email.
  • It is also pretty useful when you are on holidays or unavailable, since you can easily let people who contact you know you are currently away and will respond to their request when you return to the office.

So, let’s get started on how to set up an email auto-responder.

Step 1:

Login to cPanel.

Step 2:

Scroll down until you see the tab named ‘Mail’. Click on the ‘Autoresponders’ icon.
Step 3 :

Click on the “Add Auto Responder” button.
Step 4:

Enter the email address you want to set for an auto-responder.
Setting Up an Auto-Responder in cPanel

Step 5:

Key in the details needed for ‘From’ (who or which email add will be sending this auto-responding email) and ‘Subject’ (the email subject of your auto-responding email) fields of your auto-responding email.
Setting Up an Auto-Responder in cPanel

Step 6:

Compose the content of your email responder. Enter your message in the ‘Body’ box.
Setting Up an Auto-Responder in cPanel

Step 7:

Click Create/Modify.
Setting Up an Auto-Responder in cPanel

That’s it! The Auto Responder has been created.

Now you know how to set an Auto Responder up!

Thanks for reading. See you in the next post!