Missing your boss yet? Maybe not, but we must be missing our colleagues daily. Exabees sure are missing our team mates!
Learning our ways through this pandemic
Everyone of us is going through this pandemic, and learning our ways through the new normal. Majority of us are working from home during this period, which also means that we see our colleagues physically no more. A pandemic that was hoped to be an issue lasting a couple of months has now dragged on and celebrated its first birthday recently.
Working from home can be a practise that causes loneliness, or in a more serious manner for some, in time, leads to depression. Socialising is an important exercise for us human beings. With a movement control order of some sort imposed in almost every country in the world, socialising, like how it used to be, is no longer possible.
How Exabees bond in this pandemic
Working from home, to a certain extent, detaches bond and communication between team members and colleagues. Seasoned office workers would be able to confirm that carrying out their daily tasks are very much different now that you can’t just turn your head and ask a question. So, how do we bond with our colleagues during this period of time?
Companies are seeing the need to pursue this, giving their staff the opportunity to bond, even though not physically, and to team build and enhance communication. In view of this, Exabytes kicked off our very first big scale virtual movie night for the team, covering across Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
A movie night popped in the Organising Chairperson’s mind, and there it went, we had a “fun night in” (not out). More than a hundred of us from team Exabytes had a fantastic night in, enjoying Farmageddon. The night was more than exciting, to describe in words, as this was our very first “gathering” ever since the outburst of the pandemic. Never had we experienced “going” for a movie together, with all 129 of us. To top the fun and contentment, dinner was ordered and delivered to each of our houses, served just in time before the movie starts.
An exciting evening for Exabees
That is not all for the evening. After the movie, there was a quiz session where every question answered correctly was awarded with a cash amount of RM50 minimum. It was truly a splendid night for the team.
When asked, majority from the team felt that this was a much needed leisure and relaxing session. “We did not realise that a virtual bonding session could bring so much fun even though we are physically apart, staying safe in our own homes”. Some even said, with a big smile, “we feel all afresh again, and it was such great fun being able to play and chill with our colleagues again”.
This was the night, a successful “fun night in” which Exabytes had. Looking at the positive responses and success of the evening, there’ll definitely be more to come, where we will re-energise ourselves to work harder towards our goals!