Motivate Colleagues with EasyReward, Now All Your Hard Work Is Recognized!



Over the last decade, many documents have become digitalised and simplified. The latest EasyWork is a mobile app that can make your work easier and more efficiency while getting rid of the traditional way of document/paper submission. Encouraging paperless concept, every single document can be submitted and recorded within a few taps on the mobile. Other powerful functions include leave application, financial claims and many more (read on to find out!).


Motivate your team with EasyReward!

How can you make a company become more motivated and your team more energetic? One of the best ways is to reward the employee for what they have done/achieved.


How can you increase work efficiency of your team members? Buying him/her a cup of coffee is no longer in trend, and can cost too much. But what if you have a reward system with redeemable points? And this is why EasyWork provides a reward system solution, namely EasyReward.


How does it work, why employees love it?

How can you make full use of EasyReward? Companies can set the points and rewards can be given on a monthly basis. For example, companies can have a reward store list, which include all the redeemable items, such as speakers, power banks, movie tickets or even iPhones.


Alternatively, 1000 points can be equivalent to RM100/ RM10 or an one-day leave. In fact, the management is free to decide on the reward items to maximize motivation among employees.


The reward system is applicable to colleagues-colleagues too! To spice up the working environment, employees can reward their colleagues for helping them out, or simply reward them as a way to recognize their hard work. At the receiving end, the person would be so touched to receive the points and recognition from another colleague. It’s a completely win-win situation.


Why bosses love EasyReward?

During the big sale period, bosses can motivate its teams to achieve their sales goals using EasyReward. With EasyWork, you can now reward your employees systematically on an ongoing basis, instead of thinking what and how to reward them all the time. In the current market, reward system is chargeable, However, in EasyWork, this system is totally free of charge. 


SHARE It To Your Friends!

Become the first to introduce this app to your friends! They will thank you so much for making their work easier and a lot more rewarding!


Other powerful functions:

  1. All types of document approval
  2. Leave approval
  3. Financial claims
  4. Attendance Clock in & Clock out
  5. Job Management
  6. Feedback
  7. Reward System
  8. Poll/voting
  9. Office Announcement  


Benefits for users:

  • Save Cost – EasyWork is free!
  • Save time
  • Reduce workload
  • Go paperless
  • Efficient & Easy
  • Multi purpose. It’s an all-in-one system
  • Trendy office tools
  • Freedom to complete your tasks anytime anywhere


Quick! To know further information about EasyWork and you may visit & download through this link.

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Youtube Video Link as below: 

Please Download & “Register” yourself as user to gain more benefits. Search Easywork in the store.

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