Meet the book authors of “From Zerobyte to Exabytes”, Chan Kee Siak (founder and CEO of Exabytes) and HT Ng for a Sharing / Speaking & Autograph session at KLCC this Sunday!
Author Sharing & Autograph Session:
Date: August 26 (Sunday)
Time: 3.00 – 3.45pm
Venue: Hall 5, Ground Floor, KLCC
Good real life stories never fail to inspire! Minimum hierarchy, virtually no office politics, incredibly huge transparency and openness, daring to break conventions, uncommonly light-hearted and casual working environment are the reasons the story of Exabytes must be told and shared around the world.
Current available at Popular Bookfest 2012, KLCC, “From Zerobyte to Exabytes” will be available for sale throughout the country and in Singapore at all major bookstores from September 15 onward!
Exabytes was founded in 2001 from a back-room start-up by CEO Chan when he was only 19 years old. Over the years Chan and his team have turned a one-man company to a multi-million-dollar, MSC status and ISO-certified IT establishment that now employs over 60 full-time staff and serves more than 60,000 customers in 121 countries.
So Grab One and get it signed @KLCC this Sunday! Meet our authors to find out why it is a good read!
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