A Website is Similar to a Physical Store


Imagine you are given a chance to set up a physical store.

Do you realize what you will be doing is in fact the same as setting up a website?

LEARN MORE from the infographic below!

setting up a website and email

1) Get a Web Hosting Provider

Finding a patch of land to build your store is just like looking for a patch of online land to place your website and emails on.

This online land is called web hosting; something similar to a rented land which comes with a monthly/yearly fee.

2) Register a Domain Name

Next you need to get your store a name (brand) so that people can recognize and find it.

This is the same as registering a domain name (eg: yourcompany.com) for your website from a web hosting provider or domain registrar.

3) Build a Website

You need a blueprint and a contractor to build your physical store, just like a website needs a layout plan and a web designer to build it.

4) Create Email Accounts

After your hosting account is set up, create @yourcompany.com email accounts using the hosting control panel.

In web hosting, an email service is similar to a letterbox and super fast carrier pigeons.