Women Leadership 2021: Women Entrepreneurs with Exabytes



Women in Leadership 2021 International Women's Day

This year’s International Women’s Day is like no other. As the country is still dealing with the impact of the global pandemic, many are forced to work from home. 

Looking from a different angle, the current situation can be an opportunity for us to explore our dreams. As we are working from home and spending more time indoors, we have more time to ponder what we want in life, especially the dreams that are deep down. 

For many women out there, we know you must be busy taking care of your kids while working from home. It’s not easy. And sometimes, it can make you give up your dream. 

Women, we heard you! We understand your situation, and we want to give you the confidence and courage to achieve and excel online, especially if you are thinking about kickstarting your entrepreneurship journey. 

First and foremost, let us talk about what International Women’s Day means to us.

“International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate women’s contributions to society, raises awareness about the fight for gender parity, women’s rights, and inspires support for organizations that help women globally.”

“Gender parity is a statistical measure that compares women and men through their income, education, and work hours, among other points.

This sociological metric helps researchers understand how society is progressing or regressing in specific areas. It’s also an important tool for policymakers striving towards gender equality.”

“Of course, the global celebration of International Women’s Day is a time for reflection of how far women have come, advocacy for what is still needed, and action to continue breaking down barriers.

With over a century of history, International Women Day is a growing movement centered around unity and strength.”

Sources from goodhousekeeping

What is the theme for International Women’s Day 2021?

In 1975, the United Nations officially recognized International Women’s Day, and, in 1996, began to adopt an annual theme for every year. But here, we started from 2016 until this year, 2021.

  • 2016 – #PledgeforParity
  • 2017 – #BeBoldforChange
  • 2018 – #PressforProgress
  • 2019 – #BalanceforBetter
  • 2020 – #EachforEqual
  • 2021 – #ChooseToChallenge

The United Nation also issued the theme for 2021: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-10 world”, which means celebrating efforts of girls and women in creating a more equal future and COVID-19 pandemic recovery. 

Meeting the 2021 theme “Women Leadership”

In conjunction with this year’s International Women’s Day, Exabytes is collaborating with the Penang State Government to launch the campaign #WomenWeCan Women Entrepreneurship with Exabytes.

Exabytes aims to assist 100 women entrepreneurs in pursuing their dreams by building their very own business website or online store.

Women Leadership International Women's Day 2021 - Women Entrepreneurship with Exabytes MY

What is #WomenWeCan all about?

#WomenWeCan aims to promote equality between the status of men and women in the society.

The campaign will boost financial security and financial independence for homemakers, who can then become a role model for younger girls and provide them with confidence in business and life.

Besides, the campaign encourages entrepreneurship, the possibility of a side business for housewives while staying home taking care of the family. 

What does Exabytes offer?

As an encouragement for Women Entrepreneurship, we’re pleased to offer

FREE website or online store creation for women entrepreneurs

We are passionate about helping aspiring women entrepreneurs kick-start their business and providing them with guidance and inspiration. We want to help women entrepreneurs realize their dream of kick-starting their business online. 

Whichever package you choose, the charges will be fully waived!

exabytes awewe offer package deal

Who’s Entitled?

#WomenWeCan Women Entrepreneurship with Exabytes is open to a total of 100 women entrepreneurs who are looking to start a business and/or realize their dreams online.

  • Any women entrepreneurs with a registered company is entitled to apply.
  • Application can be done on our website. Please tell us your interest/dream/plan in kickstarting your entrepreneurship journey online.

Amid the pandemic, to get our dreams firmly back on track, we cannot simply hope to return to the world we had before. We must do things differently.

That means breaking the barriers that hold women back. It is time to finally fully harness the power of women’s leadership to realise a more equal, more inclusive and more sustainable future. 

Take the 1st step to realize your entrepreneurial dream’s this March!
Kickstart your online presence and let us help you build a website of your own.

Apply Now

*Application will be closed on 31 March 2021.