INTI-Exabytes Employer Project


The first steps into the workforce are often the most confusing. Nowadays, university graduates find themselves increasingly engaged in business tasks and industrial practices, which may be much different than what they are being prepared for and exposed to in their university syllabus. The skills and mind-sets they have practiced in their regular university assignments may fail to apply while adapting to fast-paced and challenging real-life business situations.


Bearing this in mind, Exabytes gladly took the initiative to cooperate with INTI Penang in Employer Project to help their students equip themselves with transferable knowledge, skills and values, which will empower them to respond creatively to future real-life business challenges.

61 students from the INTI business faculty joined this project in 6 teams and carried out a 3-month business assignment on the importance of the World Wide Web for SME in Malaysia.

Through this project, students were expected to develop various core competencies, which include:

  • Working and communicating effectively in a team.
  • Identifying and analysing information from sources of practical business information, including market research, competitor analysis, marketing survey etc.
  • Critically evaluating relevant business concepts to solve given problems.
  • Developing a comprehensive industrial project that comes with appropriate solutions.
  • Being able to present ideas effectively in written and oral reporting.



By playing the role of a “real” employer, Exabytes is able to provide real-life project requirements and guidance to groups of students as they work on their project, from classroom to boardroom presentation.

The essence of Employer Project not only lies in the learning of knowledge itself, but also in cultivating students’ common core abilities while in the process of learning, particularly their abilities to think independently and critically, to challenge cookie-cutter business approaches with innovative yet viable ideas.


We are looking forward for their successful and excellent projects and hopefully, to work with them again in the future. Good Luck to all of them 🙂


Any institutes or universities that are interested to partner with Exabytes for similar student programmes can kindly write to [email protected]