Physical Event on Global Trade B2B Success


As the country gradually reopened its international border after two years of battling the COVID-19 pandemic, Exabytes is also pleased to carry out our first exclusive physical offline event for, one of the largest B2B Marketplace Platform in the world. The event named “Global Trade CEO Networking Session – Exclusive chat with Alibaba Expert” was a closed-door event held on 26 April, 2 pm – 4 pm at the Exabytes’ Event Hall at Setiawalk, Puchong.

Alibaba Physical Event

Mr Nordin shared his strategy on how to sell successfully at

The objective of this event was to connect the local businesses who are interested in exploring B2B opportunities overseas with our all-star exporter, Mr Nordin, the Managing Director of Kugpis Sdn Bhd who has successfully exported more than 100 products via for more than 7 years. In this event, he shared tips on his export business success and addressed the real challenge of exporting local goods to the overseas market.  

Customer Buying Behavior on Shifts after Pandemic

The event kickstarted with market insights that there’s been a massive shift in consumer behaviour over the past two years since the global pandemic hit, hence local businesses need to show their online presence to the overseas market. The pandemic has in turn created more opportunities for local companies to transform their business online too. 

Online export has become an indispensable strategy for many manufacturers to find new business opportunities in the overseas market.  As the pandemic discourages physical interaction, it forces businesses to digitalise to sustain, and seek business opportunities around the world digitally too. was then being introduced as a worldwide recognized No.1 largest online marketplace which has millions of potential buyers on a daily basis, which is a good platform to receive massive global exposure online. Sellers can enjoy a hassle-free experience with its one-stop solution, one can basically sell anywhere anytime at  

Sell with Integrity via

During the Q&A session, one of the participants who is running a stationery business raised his concerns about the integrity of the platform, as there are a lot of scammers in the market that could be fake buyers. Mr Nordin confidently answered that there are a few ways that we can identify scams on the platform, including checking with personnel before proceeding with the orders. He also mentioned that one good thing about is all the conversations with the buyers can be done within the chat on the platform.

Mr Nordin has also emphasized that has encouraged the local manufacturers and traders to expand their market globally by reaching their potential buyers in over 190+ countries. “You will never imagine I sell these at, but they are real cases. Everything is possible.” Mr Nordin added that his company, Kugpis Sdn Bhd has listed more than 100 products including milk powder, Beans Petai, Muruku and even Fighting Fish – the live fish via 

At the event, Global Star Lecturer, Mr Keith Leong has also shared the know-how of success secrets in his sharing “Zero to Hero: Become an Online Export Expert in 90 days”, including what to take note of when it comes to customizing your company minisite at, how to enhance the product listings appearance and so on.

Physical Event Interaction

Zero to Hero – everyone can be an export expert in 90 days.

Participants seek advice from Mr Nordin on the export business.

Group photo at the end of the event.

The event ended with some takeaway messages by Mr Nordin on his experience and his utmost sincere advice to all participants who are ready to sell on 

If you are interested to know how benefits your business expansion overseas and wish to be an excellent exporter too, book a free consultation with us by filling the form below. Our consultants are ready to assist you along your export journey! 

To know more about, feel free to visit us. 
For reference on tips of selling on, check this out.

Let our specialist provide you with the best solution.

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