cPanel University, a division of the world’s famous cPanel (a GUI hosting control panel for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners) was developed to give those providing technical support and selling cPanel products and services with an opportunity to become an accredited and recognized expert of their craft.
To Exabees, taking the examinations and getting certified is our commitment to provide the most reliable services to our customers, by equipping ourselves with comprehensive product and technical knowledge in Cpanel.
The examinations are divided into tech and sales, with certifications in tech aim to provide the razor-sharp technical chops required for current / future employers and clients, and certifications in sales aim to give the most complete product knowledge to the candidates, including the ability to explain techniques, capabilities, and concepts to their customers.
Once again, congratulations to our 36 Exabees who passed the cPanel base certification examinations!
If you would like more information on how to get yourselves cPanel certified as well, kindly visit:
Sitting for the open-book exams is no hassle, as everything is conducted online.