Your Ultimate Secret GUIDEBOOK to Digital Marketing – NUGGETS OF WISDOM Fresh from the Oven of EIMS 2016 (Part 1)!!


Thriving In A Digital World


In today’s Internet-savvy society, marketers need to be abreast of digital developments – and that’s what participants at the Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit (EIMS) 2016 had the opportunity to do.  The 150 or so seats quickly filled up as marketers from various firms came ready with pens, notebooks and lots of questions, eager to glean valuable digital marketing insights from some of the region’s leading marketers, business strategists and digital experts.

mr leong

Leong Kuan Yew, the Digital Marketing Manager of Global MNC, got the ball rolling by sharing about how to build a highly profitable business online. Bringing with him a wealth of experience from renowned firms such as Agenda, Tribal DDB, social@Ogilvy and Havas Worldwide, Mr. Leong shared on how to drive up digital sales while lowering the cost per acquisition, and how he had managed to PROPEL DIGITAL SALES STEEPLY via a simple 4-step process:

#1 Gain insight

In Mr. Leong’s experience, which coincidentally is also supported by statistics from Google, it takes, on average, about 7-8 interactions before a potential customer decides to try a product or service offered by a company. Calling it his zero moment of truth (ZMOT), Mr. Leong suggests that this means companies need to maximize visibility to potential customers via digital, formal or informal channels – one will never know which referral, Facebook post or mamak stall discussion will be the tipping point where a potential customer decides to engage with a company.

#2 Funnel and processes

According to Mr. Leong, this step in the process is the most important of the four – get this right and companies can reduce ‘wasted’ ad dollars and ineffective campaigns. Funnelling and processing concerns improving the customer journey from click to purchase, where marketers need to engage and deliver at every step of the process. This includes making online applications simple and fuss-free, retargeting customers who don’t continue engaging, and utilizing landing pages to provide clear, direct solutions to customer needs.

#3 Drive traffic and get leads

When it comes to analysing performance, it’s not enough to merely look at one aspect of growth, such as market leads, processes or sales; Mr. Leong maps them together and analyses the overall trend of growth. According to him, this is where you discover THE BIGGER PICTURE of a campaign or projects’ success, such as how many clicks actually lead to sales, and act accordingly in identifying different types of traffic and creating unique leads for each traffic source.

#4 Optimize and scale higher

After a project or campaign has been run, it’s important for marketers to keep experimenting with different methods on a case-by-case basis and discover what works for a company or a project in particular – there’s no one ‘winning formula’ when it comes to developing a successful digital marketing campaign. Besides that, Mr Leong also encouraged marketers to have a hands-on approach to improving performance by utilizing DATA SCIENTISTS to analyse all available information so that companies can uncover new insights on reaching out to their customers.



What is next now? – Part 2

A panel discussion was held on the topic of digital marketing trends, moderated by Kanika Agrawal of Passion Peers and with insights from Mr. Leong, Tara Yoon (Google Analytics), Ashley Ong (Google Partner Academy) and Mugilan Chitambram (Targetzen). The panel discussed and offered their viewpoints about 4 important digital marketing trends and their applications… 

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