An Eventful Virtual Town Hall for Exabees


An Eventful Virtual Town Hall for Exabees

This new normal has brought many of us experiences we’ve not had before, and a new lifestyle we have to get used to.

For safety measures, many of us, including us Exabees, are working remotely, and have we gotten used to it already?

Has anyone ever asked about your thoughts on this new trend of working from home? And is this a new normal that you like better, and would like it to remain?

Since the hit of the Covid-19 pandemic more than a year ago, every one of us in the world is now living our lives differently.

We may not have noticed the big change in our daily lifestyles, but the fact is that we have now gotten used to this new way of living and whether we would be able to switch back to the times before the pandemic.

Will we get used to running our lives as before is a question left unanswered. 

Exabees in the Year 2020

As a digital solutions company, working from home or not being physically in the office does not hinder the work or productivity of Exabees.

We meet, have discussions, webinars, town halls – all online, virtually, with excellent outcomes, if not better than some of our physical meetings.

In Exabytes, numerous town halls were held before, but to wrap up this eventful and experiential 2020, we had a warm and celebrative town hall with all Exabees, including colleagues from Singapore and Indonesia. 

Virtual Town Halls

A town hall is a forum or large-scale company-wide meet for organisations, communities, or politicians when they meet their constituents to hear feedback on topics of interest or to share and discuss upcoming legislation or regulation.

It is a common way used to communicate with a large group of people and to hear back thoughts and feedbacks. 

This unique year of 2020 has brought about virtual town halls for many of us, especially multi-national companies. In fact, it is proven that virtual town halls have seen much higher attendance than physical ones.

The convenience of just participating through a click has come as an unconscious encouragement for invitees to want to join.

There is near to none or much fewer excuses or issues that will arise to stop invitees from attending.

Virtual town halls have also seen that participants are more vocal and expressive in presenting their thoughts, ideas and feedback behind their machine.

This, in turn, will bring out better outcomes from each town hall meeting, than physical ones.

A Wrap for 2020

To celebrate the year and our accomplishments achieved coming up to the end of this year, Exabees were invited to an impromptu town hall session.

A click into our Zoom link spontaneously put smiles on all our faces as once again, we gathered as Exabees, and saw and “met” with all our colleagues.

As our CEO, Mr Chan addressed his warm and comforting greet and opening speech, it felt almost like this is the norm to us. We listened, responded cheered and applauded.

Birthdays of our colleagues were celebrated, and special mentions of our star employees were applauded. Wishes of congratulations were sprinkled across.

A Speedy Surprise for 2021

On a more serious topic, new plans and launches for the new year 2021 were announced and shared by the CEO. Mr Chan gave us a sneak preview of what to look forward to, and a new exciting speedy surprise that’ll be launched soon.

This news has come at the right time, and it was definitely a re-energising pill for us Exabees to work towards our 2020 achievements and to get ourselves ready for the new, exciting and eventful 2021.

With happy and accomplished hearts, we, Exabees, would like to wish every one of you a happy and jolly Christmas, and a safe and eventful 2021!