Cyber Security Month #DetectToProtect


Today, cyber security has become a global concern due to the increasing number of cybercrime cases. Cyber security plays a key role in helping to navigate and prevent cyber threats on personal or business data.

Everyone can be a victim from a cyberattack. In 2021, 79% and 65% of organisations in Malaysia and Singapore were hit by ransomware respectively.

To enhance awareness and the buzzword of cyber security for everyone. Exabytes in collaboration with Acronis organised a virtual Cyber Security Webinar on 11 Oct, 10.00 am – 11.30 am.

Cyber Security Webinar is aimed at increasing awareness and delivering the message on the importance of cyber security to the public, especially for businesses and organisations.

The webinar saw experts in this subject matter as speakers, namely: Mr. Eric Foo, Mr. Kevin Foo and Mr. Irzal Ramadlani who shared insights on how to prevent and protect your data from ransomware attack.

Below is an overview of the webinar that was discussed by our invited speakers to help you prevent and practice your cyber security easily!

What is Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware attack is a type of malware that threatens and encrypts your personal or business data from anywhere. Hence, cybercrimes will demand a ransom payment to unlock or restore the important data for the victims. Otherwise, they will gain profit from stealing your data by selling it on the dark web market.

There are two common types of ransomware attacks: Locker ransomware and Crypto ransomware.

Five Challenges in Managing Cyber Security

  •   Shortage and attrition of skilled and experienced cyber security personnel
  •   Stringent government policies on cyber security standards and compliance
  •   The growing number of unknown cyber threats within an organisation undetected is like a time bomb
  •   Lack of cyber threats visibility across the organisation which may come internally or externally
  •   No or limited in-house 24×7 cyber security monitoring and response capabilities

The Ways to Prevent and Protect Your Data

To track and prevent the security threats, exabytes Enterprise Managed Security Services (MSS) provides 24×7 SOC System Logs Collection, Correlation & Anomaly Detection to reduce the time from discovery to resolution. It focuses on monitoring the customer environment through correlation in terms of detecting any anonymous activities, such as anomaly detection, suspicious activity and unauthorised activity.

As a leader in cyber protection, Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud not only supports more than 20 workload types from infrastructure to SaaS apps, but also provides file-level backup and full image backup to safeguard your data.

It helps to keep your data in better way at lower cost involving five stages of protection, which are prevention, detection, response, recovery and forensics.

Explore all the possibilities of protecting your data with cyber security:

Read news coverage on Exabytes #DetectToProtect Cyber Security Awareness Month Campaign: