Facebook continues to be concerned about the safety of its platform. In line with its commitment to provide more security for users and developers, it has introduced a new rule — creating Facebook Apps such as Page Tab & Canvas Page is only allowed for URLs that have been certified with SSL.
Certified SSL URL is a URL with the prefix “https: //” instead of “http: //“. If your website still uses the prefix “http: //“, then you need to get certified SSL first.
Today we offer SSL Certificate Wildcard to Make Your App more Secure, check it out! (Starts from RM 159.00/year)
Step By Step To Make Your Facebook App Secure
1. Log on to Facebook and go to https://developers.facebook.com
2. Click on My Apps and Select the Facebook App (ie: WordPress Hosting)
3. Below is Dashboard Facebook Apps
4. Click on Settings and Update the Secure Canvas URL
5. Update the Secure Canvas URL with SSL URL (ie : https://www.exabytes.my/wordpress-hosting/ ). Then click save changes
6. After you’re done updating your canvas URL, open Canvas Page URL (ie : https://apps.facebook.com/wordpress-hosting)
Congratulations now your Facebook SSL App is Secure If you need any further assistance please feel free to contact us now !