Grab Facebook SSL To Make Your App Secure


Facebook SSL

Facebook continues to be concerned about the safety of its platform. In line with its commitment to provide more security for users and developers, it has introduced a new rule — creating Facebook Apps such as Page Tab & Canvas Page is only allowed for URLs that have been certified with SSL.

Certified SSL URL is a URL with the prefix “https: //” instead of “http: //“. If your website still uses the prefix “http: //“, then you need to get certified SSL first.

Today we offer SSL Certificate Wildcard to Make Your App more Secure, check it out! (Starts from RM 159.00/year)

Step By Step To Make Your Facebook App Secure

1. Log on to Facebook and go to

SSL Facebook

2. Click on My Apps and Select the Facebook App (ie: WordPress Hosting)

Facebook SSL

3. Below is Dashboard Facebook Apps

View Facebook SSL

4. Click on Settings and Update the Secure Canvas URL

Secure Canvas URL Facebook SSL

5. Update the Secure Canvas URL with SSL URL (ie : ). Then click save changes

Secure Canvas and Mobile Site URL Facebook SSL

6. After you’re done updating your canvas URL, open Canvas Page URL (ie :

Facebook SSL Secure

Congratulations now your Facebook SSL App is Secure If you need any further assistance please feel free to contact us now !