Exabytes Ecommerce Press Conference With Supermodel Ambassador Amber Chia


Exabytes Ecommerce Conference

Date : 11 March 2013 (Monday)
Time : 10.30 am – 12.00 pm
Venue : TiPsy Brew O’ Coffee, Puchong

11 March, 2013 – The sun was shining and TiPsy Brew O’ Coffee in Puchong was packed with the top guys of Easy.my, supermodel Amber Chia and several reporters from different media and publications.

The event which was planned few weeks ago was to announce a 3-year business plan for Easy.my and kick start the collaborations with Amber Chia as the company ambassador.

At the same time, Amber also shared her latest edition to Easy.my, www.amber.sto.my, an additional venue for her to advocate her fashion and beauty service offerings.

Exabytes Ecommerce Conference

Exabytes Ecommerce Conference

Event started at 10.30 am sharp after guest registrations at around 10.00 pm. Easy.my new roll up banners were seen everywhere with catchy but simple words such as “Eat, Drink, Play, Fun” and “Fashion, Food, Home, Travel”.

CEO KS Chan started by sharing with the audience that Exabytes Easy.my retailer portal currently hosts close to 10,000 eCommerce merchants with number of products totaling 100,000.

It is today one of the largest online shopping malls in Southeast Asia with huge variety of product offerings including wellness, beauty, outdoor adventures, home living, sports, leisure and many more.

Some of the popular brands hosted on Easy.my are Secret Recipe Malaysia and Singapore, eBuy.my, merge4u.com.my, etc.

The 3-Year Plan for Easy.my
The 3-year plan is in tandem with Exabytes’ latest acquisitions of HiMall.my, EasyVoucher.com, and the strategic partnerships that involve P1 Communications and Paypal in a concerted effort to ramp up the local eCommerce market for online merchants.

Plan 1 – Two Strategic Acquisitions
The recent acquisitions aim to expand Easy,my’s capacity to meet the market demand surge for online shopping in Southeast Asia.

The acquisition of EasyVoucher especially offers merchants a platform to better market their products via promotion deals besides making the revenue model more sustainable by providing promotions on a 365-day basis.

Plan 2 – Connectivity and Payment Gateway Collaborations (P1 Communications & Paypal)
Easy.my merchants will get discounts when they subscribe to P1 broadband Internet services to access their retail portal. The partnership with Paypal also provides secure online transactions on Easy.my.

In addition, non-credit card purchase feature offered by MOLPay also enables online shoppers to make payments via internet banking account with major local banks.

Plan 3 – RM1,000 Grant Offered by MCMC Under “Get Malaysian Business Online” (GMBO)
This year, MCMC (Malaysia Communications & Multimedia Commission) will grant RM1,000 to small business entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 65 who has registered a website to run online business.

Up to 50,000 eligible entrepreneurs are expected to apply for the grant and Exabytes will be working with MCMC to organize more seminars and workshops on starting out onto the online business journey.

Exabytes Ecommerce Press Conference With Amber Chia

Super model Amber Chia finally added to what Chan said and expressed her confidence in the eCommerce trend in Malaysia. “Online shopping is growing popular and becoming the best option for people with busy schedules to shop at anytime, anywhere.

This trend will see more Malaysians to go online and look out for the products, especially to be on top of fashion and beauty trends without needing to step out of the house”, added Amber.

At around 12 pm, the event has nearly come to a close. Reporters and guests were seen mingling around and talking to CEO Chan, Amber Chia and among themselves, before the event was finally wrapped up in a jovial and casual mood.