Happy Deepavali – Festival of lights


The best thing about being part of a multiracial country is that you get to experience a different celebration every now and then. If we had just celebrated the joys of Eid recently, now we welcome the festival of lights, also known as Diwali/Deepavali!


Deepavali or Diwali, a festival widely celebrated by Hindus and Indians in numerous countries, is a day when oil lamps are lighted up to thank the gods for the happiness, peace, knowledge and wealth that the Hindus and Indians have received.

During this day, the ladies will be seen wrapping themselves in beautiful sarees and the men will be seen in dhotis, all geared up for grand feasts as well as temple visits with their friends and families.

They would also light oil lamps to invite the blessings of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and to banish any evil from the household for once and for all.

To celebrate this special occasion, our office will be closed on 4th November 2013 (Monday) and resumes operation on 5th November 2013 (Tuesday). However, if you need any assistance during this time, don’t fret as our professional technical team is always ready to serve you 24×7 via Helpdesk at any time at all.

Last but not least, Happy Deepavali and have a great holiday everybody!