How to Take Advantage of the NEW Google Ads SMS Extension?


How to Take Advantage of the NEW Google AdWords SMS Extension

SMS message extension ads or click-to-message ads was launched in October 2016 but many are still not aware of this POWERFUL Feature from Google AdWords.

This fantastic feature allows users to tap on the mobile ads when they browse, and contact you, the advertiser DIRECTLY!

Learn how it works its wonders here.

How It Works?Google AdWords Click to Message ads example

Apart from the usual call extension from Google AdWords, advertisers can now enable AdWords message extension which will display alongside your ads when someone performs a related search on Google.

As you can see in the example above, the new click-to-message extension lets Internet users tap on the text and Reach You Directly.

To provide the best experience for your potential customers, advertisers can even include a pre-written text message to start a conversation on their smartphones.

In the above example, you can see “Hi, I’m interested in a reservation. Please text me back.”.


Multiple Ways to Contact Advertiserscontact icon

While the call extension works better on certain industry, this additional selection extension at your ads copy can increase your click-to-rate (CTR).

For example, one may prefer contacting an advertiser via SMS to arrange an appointment as he can keep track of the conversation and details.

Schedule Extension & Respond Right Awaycalendar icon

To offer the fastest response rate to your potential customers, you can schedule this extension to only work on your working hours.

This can ensure your business provide the best experience to your potential customers who reach you by SMS by providing the quickest response rate.

Who Can Take Advantage of This Powerful Feature?

In today’s digital world, most of us have at least one mobile device.

The SMS extension ads work best for your potential customers who want to schedule an appointment, reservation or inquiry with you.

Internet users can reach advertisers in a way that’s more comfortable and efficient for them.

When customers don’t have the time to reach an advertiser via web chat/phone, SMS is a better alternative!


While the market is full of various types of online messenger apps like WhatsApp, LINE, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, SMS remains a popular communication channel. One thing for sure is mobile advertising is on the rise, thus providing your potential customers an extra channel to reach you gives your business an incredible advantage.

holding smartphoneIn addition, once they text you, the conversation (including your contact number) will stay on their smartphone as long as they don’t delete it.

Please feel free to CONTACT US if you have any question about the newly launched Google AdWords click-to-message extension ads.