Is a Managed Dedicated Server Worthy of Investment?


Unmanaged dedicated server

Cloud computing has become a new norm for businesses, and SMBs are adopting cloud computing solutions for their business digital enablement solutions.

In cloud computing, there is a distinct set of solutions, and more often the service offerings are the managed service providers. 

However, depending on the business dynamics, some businesses choose unmanaged dedicated servers for their business. 

Many cloud service providers offer dedicated servers both managed and unmanaged as part of their dedicated server plans in Malaysia.

Choosing the right kind of dedicated server set-up is paramount for businesses to reap the benefits of implementing cloud hosting and deploying their business applications on cloud server hosting. 

The question is profoundly about should the businesses opt for managed dedicated servers or unmanaged dedicated servers. 

Firstly, the technical difference between the managed or unmanaged dedicated servers is about the service offerings.

In the managed dedicated servers, the cloud service provider takes responsibility for managing the fundamental ICT infrastructure, and ensures maintenance, monitoring, and control of the windows dedicated server, alongside any additional tasks accepted in service level agreements. 

However, in the case of unmanaged dedicated servers, there is hardly any accountability of the service provider for the applications, and its relative security host in the dedicated servers.

The responsibility of the service provider is limited to rudimentary functions and controls of the dedicated server

What challenges are encountered in unmanaged dedicated server hosting?

virtual private server

The client needs to have the in-house resources and capability models to handle the web server administrator activities.

The clients hold the accountability to install and manage the operating system, security applications, necessary web applications, software upgrades, backup solutions, and a whole bunch of other related processes in the server hosting.

Rudimentary elements like internet connectivity, network monitoring, physical security to the dedicated server, and the relative hardware infrastructure are managed by the cloud service providers.

Irrespective of managed or unmanaged models, the above-mentioned tasks are performed by cloud service providers.

Whereas, in an unmanaged dedicated server environment, the effective functioning of the webservers, OS performance, other business applications execution, and controls are the responsibility of the client. 

Businesses having proficiency in managing the technology dynamics and ICT infrastructure can opt for unmanaged dedicated server solutions. 

Companies that are small and have limited exposure to web server management resources can prefer managed dedicated server maintenance.

Some of the key areas wherein the role of the cloud service providers offering server hosting managed services play a vital role are –

Server Security Hardening 

Irrespective of managed or unmanaged servers, server security remains a major concern for the stakeholders.

Everyday hundreds of servers get compromised, and in certain cases, intrusion detection does not take place for weeks.

Considering such limitations, the server requires constant monitoring and vigilance using modern software tools and techniques.

In the managed service offerings, the cost of such monitoring tools, and resource deployment for monitoring is taken care of by the service providers.

The cost of such managed service offerings is accounted to the clients using the services.

Thus, within limited cost and shared resources, dedicated server gets adequate and appropriate maintenance.

Whereas in the unmanaged dedicated server scenario, businesses must ensure they install more secured applications, incur license or subscription costs for the same, and have resources monitoring the systems regularly at their capacity.

Any shortcomings in the services could hamper the security and performance aspects of the dedicated server.

Dedicated servers in Malaysia, if offered as unmanaged dedicated server hosting, can be challenging for SMBs as hiring the domain expertise, and subscription costs for security tools can turn overheads to business.

But in the managed dedicated servers, with marginal costs, the complexity of managing the server is a shift to the cloud service providers.

Server Performance Optimization 

Server performance optimization is the other major challenge in dedicated servers.

Smartphone kinds of small digital devices require optimization, wherein users need to close the unused apps and free the processing capacity.

In the dedicated servers, with multiple OS tasks, core applications, and business applications active, there is an inherent need for the optimization of the performance.

Technically, tasks like bandwidth management, processing capacity management, and load balancing between applications hosted in dedicated servers are imminent for server hosting need imminent management, both in the cases of managed or unmanaged.

But in the unmanaged dedicated server models, the load is on the clients to maintain the server performance optimization and it can be an additional load in terms of time, cost, and resources.

Data Migrations

Server Cloud

One of the most complex tasks in information systems management is data migration between the systems.

It is paramount for businesses to manage the data effectively in the transition from one server to the others.

In the case of services in unmanaged dedicated servers, the service providers do not support any process of data migration.

If the essential steps are not followed by the admin teams, the data migration challenges could mount.

Whereas, in the managed dedicated server service offerings, the issues of data migrations are assisted or fully managed by the server hosting providers, enabling smooth transition and reduced risks.

Common Issues Support and Software Configuration 

Unlike the managed dedicated server, in the unmanaged dedicated server Malaysia, the service providers have a minimal support system in place for service management.

Any complex tasks of software configuration, bandwidth management, OS related support are accountable to the clients.

If the clients do not have competent resources to handle the process, it can be a major challenge.

Economies of Scale 

Cloud computing is more about sharing the resources, leading minimum efforts, and maximum impact motto.

When the dedicated server is established by the service providers, they usually hire competent teams to manage the server environment too.

If the managed service dedicated server offerings are chosen, there could be a marginal increase in the service costs, but it leads to limited issues of concern to the clients.


As a concluding summary of the discussed factors, it is evident that unmanaged dedicated server can be seen as a strategic investment if and only the client has competent teams to handle the dedicated server requirements.

Companies choosing the cloud service providers like Exabytes offering seamless quality of services for managed Windows dedicated servers can be potential and resourceful.

Contact us now to make the decision if to invest in an unmanaged or manager dedicated server.

Explore Our Dedicated Server Solutions

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