Login to Exabytes Account with Facebook/Google!



Exabytes Simplify how you login using Facebook or Google

Exabytes services just got better! As an Exabytes client, you deserve the best, including the most convenient way to login to your Exabytes account.

You Can Now Easily Login to Exabytes Client Area in just 1 Click!

This feature allows you to connect your Facebook or Google account with your Exabytes account. Enjoy…


 The reason we implemented this feature:

  1. Simple. Easy. Fast Login.

    Enjoy a simple and faster login experience and get assistance from Exabytes whenever needed.  

  2. No More Hard to Remember Passwords

    Easy to access; a password is no longer needed after the first login.

  3. No More Resetting or Recovering Login

    Stay logged in and never have to reset or recover your login again.


We strongly encourage you to connect your Exabytes Client login with your Social Login now, so that you can enjoy peace of mind whenever you need to check on your product subscriptions or other info.  

** IMPORTANT NOTE: You are required to manually perform first login after connecting your Facebook or Google account.


Complete in 2 Simple Steps!

Step 1:
Click on “Sign in with Facebook/Google button”.

Exabytes client panel login

Upon Successful Login to your Facebook/Google account, you shall see “Link Initiated!”

Exabytes client login panel - Link initiate

Step 2:

Once you see “Link Initiated!”, you are required to perform the First-Time login to your current email address registered with Exabytes.

exabytes login panel

Bravo! It’s done. You can see your panel now!

Exabytes client dashboard panel

** If you wish to change your social login or remove this function, please Refer ->HERE
