High-Speed SSD Hosting Increases Your Website Conversions


Faster Website Loading Speed Gives Better Conversions

Faster website response time always gives better user experience and better website conversions, including for E-Commerce websites.

According to surveys carried out by gomez.com, most website visitors would leave a website if it doesn’t load in 6 – 10 seconds.

In fact, a 1-second delay in page loading time can result in a 7% reduction in conversion, and every second delay of loading time counts in effecting page abandonment.

According to another study conducted by Walmart Labs in year 2012, every 1 second improvement in page loading time will result in a 2% conversion increase.

The same conclusion is also supported by online giant, eBay.

ssd vs hdd

How SSD works better than HDD in Speeding Up Your Website

The difference of SSD (Solid State Drive) and HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is no longer new to people looking for storage to run their hosting or computers.

To put it simply, one can assume SSD as a USB memory stick that is oversized and more sophisticated.

On the other hand, an HDD uses mechanical arms with a read/write head to move around and read information from the right location on a storage.

(An SSD does not have a mechanical arm to read and write data but instead relies on an embedded processor. This gives SSD a much better reading and writing speed).


Why SSD is Much Better Compared to HDD?

Let’s have a look at the chart below to get a better idea!


Reference : ssd_vs_hdd, www.storagereview.com

In conclusion, SSD has 8 ticks (8 advantages) while HDD has only 3 ticks (3 advantages).

A slow website loading speed can cause your visitors to leave before your website content is fully displayed. It’s a big WASTE for your website!


How SSD Hosting Gives Better Response Time and Reliability

Solid State Drive Hosting offers many advantages compared to conventional HDD Hosting:


  1. Faster Information Access

Solid state drives hold your information in more sophisticated version of the memory chips or the newer SSD cloud drives, which allow you to access information faster than ever before.

It doesn’t matter if you’re referring to data transfer or website loading speed, SSD hosted sites are about 67% quicker than their HDD counterparts, and some hosting providers even claim that SSD is 300% faster or 20x faster when it comes to data transfer.

High Speed Data Transfer,  everdata.com

  1. Extended Durability

The worst thing that can happen when using the hosting services provided by below average hosting providers is having technical issues, such as frequent website crashes.

When your website crashes, your visitors will see “error 404” when trying to visit your website.

For SSD hosting, as it uses less moving parts than traditional HDD hosting, websites hosted on it are less prone to mechanical failures compared to traditional HDD.

  1. Work Efficiency

SSD ensure high performance in terms of speed (website loading time) and make web applications run smoother, which is a crucial element of overall business efficiency.

Data transfer also becomes faster during image/video upload.


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