Steps To Apply GMBO Biz Grant – Your Start-Up Is RISK FREE!


onlinelahtauke RM1000 Grant

Thinking of starting your own online business but is worried about the financial risk? With the current RM 1,000 GMBO Biz Grant, setting up your online business with Exabytes is virtually RISK FREE! Thousands of businessmen had applied and received their RM 1,000 grant, so why wait again?!

Before getting started, it’s important that you read and understand the T&C set by GMBO 2.0. Check them out:

Terms and Conditions:

  • GMBO RM1,000 grant is subject to approval by SKMM
  • Malaysian citizens who aged from 18 to 65
  • Malaysia business / company registration license
  • Registration of .my / / / / domain name.
  • Have an active website ( Sign up now if you don’t have any website )
  • Have a local bank account registered under the name of business / company / business owner’s name
  • Subscribers of broadband Internet service.
  • Priority will be given to micro-entrepreneurs with number of full-time staff less than 10 or income less than RM200,000 per year

Steps To Apply:

1. Register your business with SSM; It can be a sole proprietor, partnership or company. As long as it is registered, you are eligible to claim the GMBO 2.0 RM1,000 grant.

2. Visit Click on 1 if you need a website to showcase your company information and products as well as business email. Click on 2 if you want to sell products directly online with shopping cart.

3. If you pick 1, by default we include a domain for you, which is one of the requirements of claiming the RM1,000 grant.

After you sign up for any of the plan, you may start creating your website as easy as 123!

4. Get your company registered, have your website set up, have a bank account with your business name checked, subscribe to any broadband internet service checked, you can now submit your application to get RM1,000 GMBO Biz Grant!

5. Visit this page to view the step by step guide on how to submit your application:

After the application is done, you can check your application status here:

Now that you’ve fulfilled all the said requirements, don’t waste anymore time, APPLY NOW!