Ways to Strengthen Your Website Immune System through SEO


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Related: How to drive online sales with Google Ads

About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We enhance our body’s immune system by taking supplements or consuming healthy food to keep ourselves healthy.

Just like your body, strengthening your website’s immune system ensures that it performs well. But how can you do that? 

In the second MarketingFest Series #1 workshop, we looked at ways to strengthen your website’s immune system through SEO.

You might have faced the issue of website traffic suddenly dropping.

Improving your website’s immune system with search engine optimization SEO will help you solve this and other issues and generate organic traffic to your website. 

SEO tips and tricks
The speaker (Martin Tang) and the emcee (Laureen Quah) of the event.

Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this session.

1. Use Google Search Console

With Google Search Console, you can fix all the errors on your website.

It also helps you measure your website’s search traffic and performance.

You can easily see and analyse how your website is performing via a graph generated by Google Search Console.

The data in the search console helps you understand the problems with your website and know what you should optimise. 

2. Understand Why Google Search Traffic Drops 

You might have experienced a situation where you verified your website on Google Search Console and found out that the search traffic had dropped dramatically.

What causes drops in search traffic? Below are the main causes announced by Google Search Central:

a. Site-level technical issues

b. Seasonality

c. Page-level technical issues 

d. Reporting glitches

3. Investigate The Search-Drop Pattern

You can change the date range for data to compare on Google Search Console—the maximum range is 16 months.

Monitor the performance of the search traffic from time to time by, for example, comparing the performance every three months. 

You can analyse traffic performance by looking at different search types separately.

If there is a drop in your Google Search Console results, note any changes you made to your website during that period. 

4. Read the Latest SEO Information

Many articles have been shared about SEO tips and solutions, teaching you about SEO or how to optimise SEO.

But are you reading the right ones?

To keep up to date with the latest and best information about SEO, always read the posts on the Google Search Central Blog first.

This is where Google shares its latest update.

Other than that, if you want to seek information from other resources, check the publishing date to make sure you are reading the latest SEO updates instead of information from years ago because it might not work for now.

5. Back Up Your Website

A healthy habit for your website is to always have a backup.

Keep a backup copy on your local drive or a pen drive instead of just backing it up to the cloud.

You can even schedule backups so that all your information and data is saved regularly.

You should also test how to restore your website.

Sometimes, people know how to backup everything but do not really know how to restore it.

Thus, it is important for webmasters to know how to restore a website. 

Final Thoughts

SEO plays an important role in your website.

It is one of the factors that accelerate your website’s performance and make sure it appears in a high ranking in search results so that your website is visible and you can reach out to your audience successfully. 

Practise the tips shared in this webinar.

They will bring you a healthy website that performs well and offers your audience a better customer experience. 

Watch the full video of this SEO session by Martin Tang, Assistant Digital Marketing Manager of Exabytes. 

Let’s generate organic traffic to our website!