What Is Veeam & How Exactly Does It Work? Basic Knowledge


what is Veeam

Backup solutions play a vital role in the business continuity operations process for information systems.

Irrespective of the level of information systems part of the business process, it is essential for the systems to have backup solutions for securing the data.

Among the most popular backup solutions, Veeam is one of the top-notch backup solutions service providers.

In this article, the focus is on understanding Veeam and how it works for managing enterprise backup solutions more effectively 

Veeam offers a single-platform backup solution that is resourceful for enterprise backup solutions basis the cloud-based backups for hybrid and cloud environments.

Veeam service offerings are effective for SMBs to secure data loss using automated backup and recovery processes.

Also, the Veeam services having the analytics integral to its system supports the businesses in understanding the ongoing monitoring, and controls over the backup process, and have a singular solution leading to better agility and performance in the enterprise backup solutions management.

Cloud Backup Working Model 

Cloud backup is a systematic approach for managing the backup of files, applications, and other kinds of digital assets integral to enterprise application solutions.

The objective of the system is to provide a secure location wherein the current copies of critical data are managed in case of disaster recovery planning and support.

Cloud backups for enterprise backup solutions are seen as realistic solutions for managing the backup requirements as per the requirements of the business.

Using the proper cloud backup solutions like Veeam can help in multiple forms of backup and certain solutions need hardware appliances for managing the data backup.

While some systems depend highly on hardware integration and configuration for managing the enterprise backup solutions, few of the systems like Veeam Availability Suite are significant to offer holistic backup services.

Irrespective of the method of backup choices, it is essential that businesses must focus on the need for handling the full backup of all aspects like the files, database systems, and applications as an ongoing process.

However, depending on the risk assessment and intensity the period of backup, location of the backup, etc. can be to the discretion and preferences of the businesses.

But to have effective disaster recovery planning options, choosing enterprise backup solutions, and having incremental backup solutions can be resourceful.

Veeam Backup Solutions 

Veeam backup & replication

Veeam’s replication and backup solutions combine the services of backup, replication, and continuous data protection process all into one single platform service.

The schematic system developed by Veeam for enterprise backup solutions is easier to configure for virtual, physical, and cloud environment dealings, and it can be well deployed onto Amazon, IBM, Google, or Microsoft kind of public clouds.

Veeam enterprise backup solutions have three distinct storage products and a free edition for virtual machines.

Backup and Replication 

Veeam’s backup software is planned to offer high-level backup solutions and the services can be used independently by the cloud vendors wherein the information systems are deployed.

Veeam offers the scope for instant recovery of data to manage the maximum uptime and interfaces into the NAS, and Oracle databases for handling any kind of downtime issues to the core servers.

Veeam data recovery solutions when utilized effectively can help businesses with secured disaster recovery planning set-up too.

Security Aspects of Veeam 

The enterprise backup solutions from Veeam are highly secured and have immutable backup systems in place to work on the data backup requirements.

Also, the systems are monitored and controlled for cybersecurity against any kind of ransomware and other kinds of cyber threats.

Veeam products support policy or rule-based protection options, and user-defined RPOs for managing data availability and security.

Veeam replication offers the visibility essential for managing the enterprise range of backup and recovery options.

Pricing Models 

Veeam products and backup systems are faster which is among the key benefits of using Veeam.

In the other dimension, Veeam replication systems are asynchronous and are available for reduction of bandwidth in the instances of data needing to be dispatched over long distances.

The storage and backup option of Veeam enterprise backup solutions and Veeam replication is a pay-as-you-use kind of system and thus pricing models can be seen as highly flexible.

Veeam is designed for maximum performance at a minimal cost.

Data can be available for handling the testing, DevOps, and mining requirements of the information systems, in addition to using them for disaster recovery and continuity management.

Veeam supports the APIs for integration with public clouds and third-party vendor systems for ease of integration.

Veeam replication and Veeam backup offer the same capabilities irrespective of enterprise backup solutions required for physical or virtual or cloud deployments.

Three key editions for the enterprise backup solutions from Veeam are: 

1. Cloud Edition 

The cloud edition has similar functionality to the backup and Veeam replication product and has some added features like the control of a cloud backup implementation.

In the cloud edition, some of the key features are

  • The scope for assessing the cost estimations for storage requirements
  • Specify storage limits by Gigabytes or cost
  • Manage bandwidth in real-time and control the usage during business hours.
  • Data compressions before transfers using Veeam

2. Community Edition 

Community Edition is the other significant edition that is resourceful for VM environments. With easier configuration and setup, the backups can happen effectively while the VM is working.

In the free edition of the Veeam, users can investigate VMS for restoring individual items, and the solution offers features like cloning, copying, managing VM instances, and exporting.

3. Essentials 

The third model is the Essentials edition, wherein the functionality is possible as in the case of Veeam’s base product, except for smaller scales, and is the well-fit solution for SMBs.

The centralized monitoring and control options in the Veeam essentials edition are resourceful to handle the enterprise backup solutions requirements.

For planning disaster recovery, and enterprise backup solutions for your business solutions, to deploy Veeam replication systems, reach out to Exabytes Malaysia.

With 24x7x365 technical support, Exabytes Malaysia ensures “hyper availability” as a service is always on for customers.

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