What is Subdomain? Subdomains vs. Subfolders for SEO


subdomain vs. subfolders for seo

When a domain name that has been previously registered already functions flawlessly, it is not necessarily required to register a new one. According to buildwith statistics, 11,123 current websites utilize multiple subdomains.

One may always create a sub domain utilizing the current domain name rather than registering a new domain name. Users can easily see the sub domain traffic using Google Analytics. 

What is a Subdomain?

what is subdomain

A subdomain is an addition to the main domain that has its own particular content. It is a distinct section of the website that uses the same main domain name without requiring a separate domain name.

In this case, anything that occurs before “mydomain” would be considered a subdomain. For instance, the “app” portion of the URL will direct users to the keyword research tool if users visit app.mydomain.com.

In this instance, the subdomain “app” serves to distinguish the tool from the rest of the website.

One has the option to freely create a whole different website utilizing the same domain name thanks to sub domains.

Additionally, for any domain that a person owns, an infinite number of subdomains may often be created.

Subdomains are a common method used by websites to organize content and improve the user experience.

Subdomains vs. Subfolders for SEO

The usage of a subdomain or a subfolder has ramifications for SEO, user experience, and other factors.

Sub domains are ranked similarly to subdirectories by Google (also referred to as “subfolders”). However, there is a significant distinction in that sub domains are regarded as separate sites from the main domain.

Before deciding to place material under a subdomain or subfolder, consider the practical impact on SEO.

What Exactly Is a Subfolder?

A website is often composed of many category sections and web pages. Previously, a web designer would build a Subfolder and place web pages within those folders.

That is why they are referred to as “subfolders” or “subdirectories.”

The online folders, like the desktop folders, would be named something like /blue-widgets/. All of the blue widget HTML pages would be placed there.

When one clicked on those pages, it would actually lead to a folder and a HTML file:

https://www.example.com/widgets/blue -widgets/big-blue-widget.html

In this case, Subdirectories or subfolders refer to the folders /widgets/ and /blue-widgets/.

Those subfolders are virtual in most WordPress and PHP-based websites. They do not exist on the server, where they may be accessed using an FTP application to view the actual directories.

Though virtual, they remain a part of the website’s file structure and are still referred to as “subfolders.” A subfolder is a portion of the website’s structure that is related to the domain name.

When to Use a Subdomain

The reasons why a publisher would decide to host material under a subdomain have to do with technical, branding, and SEO considerations.

1# Technical Justifications for Using a Subdomain

A website’s staging version may be hosted on a password-protected subdomain by a web developer.

It is simple to create a new database and install a new version of a site under that sub domain that precisely matches the production site.

Search engine crawlers will often not locate a subdomain if it is not linked from elsewhere on the internet. They will be unable to crawl the staging site if they do so since it is password secured.

Splitting out a site on a subdomain allows the developer to easily employ completely new layout templates and technologies without impacting the main site.

2# Subdomains for Branding

Another reason to use a subdomain is for branding. Publishers, for example, frequently put their help sections under a sub domain.

Under a sub domain such as support.example.com, a user can discover downloadable manuals, FAQs, and Q&A forums.

Some organizations may want to build a distinct subdomain to compartmentalize and brand a piece of their site, such as the help pages, and keep them separate from the rest of the main site for branding considerations.

Reasons to Use Subdomains in SEO

There may also be SEO reasons for hosting under a sub domain, such as if a publication has an entirely different content topic than the main site.

The publisher can host that piece on a sub domain to isolate the material within its own website while remaining consistent with the main site’s branding. Some news sites, for example, host their recipe material under a sub domain.

It’s debatable if Google can rank a subdomain area higher if it’s isolated. However, this is done for SEO purposes, allowing a sub domain to rank independently of the parent site, and vice versa.

Subfolder Layouts Are Beneficial

A site that is comprehensive may be perceived as more authoritative than one that simply focuses on a certain aspect of a topic. This does not make the subdomain site any less authoritative or informative.

However, a site that covers the whole breadth and depth of the subject will draw more links and be viewed as authoritative. As a result, a site may prefer to employ subfolders over a subdomain strategy.

Another reason to utilize a subfolder arrangement is because various portions overlap.

Someone shopping for food online might wish to purchase a pair of exercise pants to wear while working from home. A site that carries both goods is more beneficial than one that simply carries one.

Is It a Subfolder or a Subdomain? Select What Works Best

The most crucial factor in deciding whether to utilize a subdomain is whether it works for users. Nonetheless, the SEO, branding, and technical benefits of each must be examined.

In general, a subfolder structure is the ideal approach to building a website if it makes it apparent to users that a portion belongs with the rest of the site.


Sub domains are extensions of the principal domain name that are used for site organization, redesign, or even hosting a blog or eCommerce business.

One can easily create unlimited subdomains once one purchases the domain; if one wants to buy the domain name in Malaysia, Exabytes can help with its cost-effective .my domain names, which come with free DNS management and 24/7/365 support team.

To get more detailed information, contact us.