The Power of Scalability – Exabytes Cloud Servers


The Power of Scalability - Exabytes Cloud Servers

Exabytes Cloud Server enables you to scale your website/server power according to your requirements and specifications.

It’s an all new technology compared to the traditional hosting as with Cloud, you “only pay for what you use”, and not how long you use.

Your website/server power is highly scalable, i.e. you can grow and shrink your CPU, Hard disk, RAM, etc anytime based on demand, which in turn greatly improves visitor website experience and saves cost!

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Exabytes Cloud Server Hosting

1. Scale With Demand

The other guys’ servers have a finite amount of resources but infinite amounts of traffic. Think Elasticity.

Exabytes Cloud is able to dynamically assign:

  • RAM
  • CPU
  • Hard Disk
  • More Virtual Machines 

2. High Availability, Self-Healing Hardware

Unlike traditional hosting, our whole infrastructure is cloud based and comes with high redundancy and high availability.

So what happens if the hardware fails?

  • The failed hardware will fall out of the cloud.
  • Your virtual machine will be back online within seconds on new hardware – automatically
  • Every virtual machine within the cloud is automatically self-healing.

3. Enterprise Disk Storage

Exabytes’ Cloud Storage is powered by multiple units of DELL Equalogic which provide you with extremely reliable and scalable enterprise grade SANS storage that’s configured as RAID 10.

Exabytes Cloud allows you to add more storage on demand without the need to migrate your servers or change to new hard drives.

Nightly, Weekly, Monthly and on Demand backups are included.

You may also add in optional Managed Snapshot and Incremental backup.

4. Sign Up and Be Online in Minutes

Our setups are fully automated.

Your order will be processed automatically upon receipt of payment and your login details will be sent to you within 10 minutes.

Just sign up with:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal

5. Cloud Hosting Expertise

Exabytes Cloud Hosting is backed by over 40 Cloud Hosting specialists.

  • Exabytes is trusted by over 60,000 active clients in 121 countries.
  • Exabytes currently manages over 1,000 servers.
  • Exabytes understands your Cloud Hosting requirements extremely well.

So, sign up NOW to enjoy and experience the power of scalability of Exabytes Cloud Servers!