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Exabytes Blood Donation Drive 2023

18 September 2023 (Monday) | 9.00AM–3.00PM

Together brings a bigger impact, together we save lives!


Set to be an annual exercise, Exabytes Group is working with the Penang General Hospital to organise a Blood Donation Drive to support the continuous dire need of blood that can save lives of acute cases as well as patients with pre-existing lifelong conditions. This blood donation activity will not only bring awareness on blood deficiency in our blood banks across the country, but it will also elevate the spirit of volunteerism among Exabytes’ employees, partners and friends. Through the Exabytes Blood Donation Campaign 2023, we want to achieve a total collection of 100 packs of blood.


We take this opportunity to highlight this particular issue faced by many in our community and offer a platform and opportunity for the public to demonstrate our commitment to giving back to the community and saving lives by donating blood. This is an act of bravery, courage and most importantly, love for the community. Blood is not an item money can buy, but it is only possible if one other person loves and cares to share.


Donating blood is a simple yet significant act that can have a profound impact on the lives of others. We would like to urge our partners and friends to join us by inviting your team and friends to join us in this small gesture to save lives. Mark your calendars, do your bit by being a part of the Exabytes Blood Donation Drive 2023.


Event volunteers and blood donors are welcomed.
Campaign Details:
Date: 18 September 2023, Monday
Time: 9am – 3pm
Venue: Conference Hall, Level 10, Suntech @ Penang Cybercity
Lintang Mayang Pasir 1, Bandar Bayan Baru,
11950 Bayan Lepas, Penang
Event Agenda : 
Time Activity
9.00am – 3.00pm Blood Donation Ongoing
10.30am – 11.00am All You Need To Know About Giving Blood to Save Lives

by Dr Ong Bee Fern Medical Officer, Penang General Hospital Blood Bank

11.00am – 11.30am Blood donor- My Lifetime Saviour

by Muhammad Hasan Al-Asyraf Bin Mohamad, Federation of Malaysia Thalassaemia Societies

11.30am – 12.00pm Blood Transfusion in Cancer Patients

by Dr Chan Chuen Choong, Penang Hospice Society

12.00pm – 3.00pm Blood Donation Ongoing


Event Details

Date: 18 September 2023

Start time: 09:00 a.m. UTC+08

End time: 03:00 p.m. UTC+08

Venue: Conference Hall, Level 10, Suntech @ Penang Cybercity

Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/ZWUqYLUDVYkBCf217

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