GROW Digital

WordPress Security for Everyone

13 October 2021 | 2.00PM – 3.00PM

Join us now to know the security tips and free WordPress plugins to protect your websites from hackers.


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WordPress was being widely used to create website for different purposes. Some use it as own personal blog, some use it as a company website and some use it as an e-commerce website. Despite of how you used WordPress, WordPress site security is an important area where we should always look at.

How do we protect our WordPress Site and be confident about our WordPress Security?

This webinar is going to share with you the tips of how to secure your WordPress site, also introducing you the free WordPress plugins that help to protect and secure your websites effectively.

Event details:

  • Date: 13 October 2021 
  • Time:  2.00 PM- 3.00 PM
  • Venue: Zoom Webinar


2.00 PM to 3.00 PM: WordPress Security for Everyone

Speaker: Liew CheonFong, WordPress

In this workshop, Mr. Liew will be sharing  the easy security tips and free WordPress plugins to protect your websites from hackers.

Event Details

Date: October 13, 2021

Start time: 02:00 p.m. UTC+08

End time: 03:00 p.m. UTC+08

Venue: Zoom Webinar

Watch the Highlight

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