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.BLOG Domain Registration

A blogging site to express yourself and share your story

Available now! From RM34.90 per year

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Speak your mind

Unlike the content of a corporate website, .blog can take you on a different journey. From the daily journal of a writer to important announcement from a CEO, a blog can add touches of casual and reflective thoughts from your to your audience.

Get what you want

A .blog domain name is still new to the domain revolution to date. That means the domain you want is most likely available. If you already have an existing corporate or personal website, getting a .blog domain is probably what you should do next.

Let your audience know what to expect

How many times have we strayed away from clicking an unrecognisable URL? Having a .blog domain can instantly let people know what content they will be getting. Give your audience the assurance they’re looking for.

It will help you to sell more.

HubSpot reports that 60% of businesses who blog gain more customers. Whether you are a media outlet, startup, designer, business owner or looking to create your online portfolio, .blog will be the strong choice to driving more people to your business.

Find your .blog domain with our generator

Terms and Conditions

  1. Standard prices apply to regular domain names. Exabytes reserves the right to refund or request a top-up for premium domains.
  2. You do agree to our terms of service available here.
  3. Exabytes reserves the right to amend any Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

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