Retail Heroes

Your Story Worth Being Shared

Exabytes aims to help Malaysian Local Retailers to document their brand story and retail journey through a series of documentaries, podcasts and articles. Meanwhile, Exabytes look towards raising the retailer's awareness of Digital Transformation.

Melody FM

Vision and Mission

Why Retail Hero?


Ever since the outbreak of the pandemic, Malaysia’s economy has been severely affected, retail industry who is at the forefront of the production chain is the most affected industry. Retailers have gone through a plethora of changes, but still survive through, the spirit of persistent worth to be praised.


To show appreciation to all the local retailers, we proudly present the “Retail Heroes”, a meaningful campaign to feature the local retailer’s story of surviving through the hardships.

Empowered by:

Retail Hero Assembler


Retail Hero Designated Partner


Retail Hero Designated Partner

Retail Hero Designated Media Partner

Retail Hero Designated New Retail Partner

Heroes Story

Video Showcase

23 Videos

[零售英雄23/50] : Wellings Pharmacy 创办人 马俊霖 他说: “魔鬼藏在细节里,成功也在其中”

零售英雄第二十三期由:Wellings Pharmacy 创办人 马俊霖

探索每家企业在疫情下的奋斗故事,从这里开始。#Exabytes #数码转型势在必行

零售英雄官方网站 (CN):
零售英雄官方网站 (EN):

Wellings Pharmacy 社交媒体:

Nominate to become the next Retail Hero

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